Adventures · Cheers · Going Gray

Why I didn’t wear a bikini in Jamaica

As a woman over the age of 50, I made a rebel decision not to compete with my former younger 20 40 something self.  I chose not to wear a bikini in Jamaica like I did the first time we went there...14 years ago. I hemmed and hawed so many times before we left for our… Continue reading Why I didn’t wear a bikini in Jamaica

Going Gray

Why women should wear glasses in the shower

If I hadn't already claimed that I'm quirky, you might just freak out on me while reading this post...and then un-follow me or not follow me if it's your first visit here.  But then you'd miss out on other quirky things I say, and that would be sad... For both of us. So don't do… Continue reading Why women should wear glasses in the shower

Adventures · Going Gray

You’re kidding me, right?

Over dinner last night, I mentioned to Mr. that it's about time for me to actually pack our clothes into the suitcase to make sure everything fits. Mr:  "Uh, huh...Women, what is it about them and all their clothes?  If you weren't taking so many swimsuits, it wouldn't be such a problem." Me:  "I'm only… Continue reading You’re kidding me, right?

Adventures · Going Gray · Inspiration

Tiny secrets of my weight loss success story's a secret.  Don't tell anyone the secret because if you do, then it won't be a secret and you'll fail. That's been one of my weird-a** beliefs about my dieting successes or failures over the years. Another one of my all-time favorites - "Just make sure your thighs, when you stand in front of… Continue reading Tiny secrets of my weight loss success story

Adventures · Going Gray

The day I ate my words

Even if the groundhog isn't the only one that has to eat his/her words, I'm glad we've both made it to the end of February 2019 alive!  It was rough.  Made me darn-tooting tough, though. Yesterday, I literally took on a down-right dagnabit grouchiest meanest nastiest version of my short selfish self ever. I'm not… Continue reading The day I ate my words

Adventures · Going Gray

How I’m rolling out of my nasty thoughts about February 2019

February 2019, the shortest nastiest month ever, is almost over thank goodness.  It has had lots of ups and downs like my sleeping bouts last night.  They were short, too, and rough. Man, I had weird dreams.  Maybe I shouldn't have had that serving of Tostitos before bed? My nights' lack of sleep due to… Continue reading How I’m rolling out of my nasty thoughts about February 2019