Adventures · Emptying the nest

That sink is big enough for a cat bath!?

The weekend here in our little corner of the world gave way to a few wins.  The long-awaited 4th sink arrived.  But we can't install it yet. Nope...there's more to do before it can go in - but the momentum is picking up and we on the home stretch to a win-win-win Thanksgiving Day dinner… Continue reading That sink is big enough for a cat bath!?

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Eleventh frightful night

Tonight will mark the eleventh night without a kitchen sink installed in its proper spot.  We need a sink before it can be installed. Duh, makes sense, right? The new sink is outta sight.  We haven't seen it yet. It's not as bad as one would think.  We've ordered it four times. The original one… Continue reading Eleventh frightful night

Adventures · Emptying the nest

DIY installation of laminate countertops in 4 weeks

At some point in life, every whip cracker of the family (aka, me) wants to redo the kitchen.  With a budget in mind, of course.  And a desire to do it yourself, just like they do on HGTV. Easy, right? The shopping and the dreaming is the easiest part, trust me.  The rest of it… Continue reading DIY installation of laminate countertops in 4 weeks

Adventures · Inspiration

Sneak peek

DIY projects never seem to have an end.  There's always one more thing to do, and one more item to wait on.  You have to keep one eye open all the time to make sure all the moving parts come together in the end. But, dang it, it feels great when the biggest obstacle (so… Continue reading Sneak peek

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Sup with the DIY project?

Three birds walked up to a waterhole and said... Two birds hopped up to a bunch of dried up flowers and said... A Lil' ol' pup watches intently with a face that says... A cat saunters in and says... A Mr. walks into the kitchen (for the 18th trip back and forth from the bandsaw… Continue reading Sup with the DIY project?

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Mom – I’m going nuts, but it’s not dementia

I remember back to moments when calling mom just seemed like the best thing to do.  She always had the right thing to say, the right way to listen, or the advice I hadn't considered.  Even if she'd never been through what I was going through, she knew how to make things seem better. I… Continue reading Mom – I’m going nuts, but it’s not dementia