Emptying the nest

Empty Nest Reflections on Mother’s Day

It's quiet here this morning in our Lil' ol' empty nest.  I'm an empty nest Mom, on Mother's Day.  There, I said it. It's the first Mother's Day where I won't see either daughter.  We have no forced plans to see them.  Or a vacation to share.  I can't believe we haven't hugged since we… Continue reading Empty Nest Reflections on Mother’s Day

Adventures · Emptying the nest

Evaluating self-made madness of an empty nest

As an empty nester mom, I often sit, looking at the wild yonder of our yard, and wonder if I'm doing the right thing.  Right by myself, being patient and letting my life, as it has changed, or evolved, take over and guide me onto the next stages, or if I've gone mad and am… Continue reading Evaluating self-made madness of an empty nest

Adventures · Emptying the nest

A movie date with my dog

The best date ever is with a handsome older guy who loves me unconditionally. No offense to my other Mr. in my life. He's an older guy too, and a great catch at that, but he's not like going on a date with my dog. My dog, Copper, he's a charmer and he loves me… Continue reading A movie date with my dog

Adventures · Emptying the nest

An empty nest time traveler

I'm an empty nest time traveler.  Yessiree, I am.  I can flash through memories in a heartbeat, and be transported back to moments in time that tug damn hard on my heartstrings. Other times, it isn't such a conscious effort.  Often times it happens while I'm trying to sleep. I can go from one space… Continue reading An empty nest time traveler

Cheers · Inspiration

The rabbit hole of Easter morning memories

Our empty nest feels weird this morning.  It's not our first morning where it's quiet in the house.  Or in the front yard when I took the dog out to do his hunt for the perfect quiet spot routine. That type of quietness happens every day.  I'm getting more used to it each one that… Continue reading The rabbit hole of Easter morning memories

Cheers · Emptying the nest

I kid you not, my dear

I grew up as a baby of the baby boomers (...born in 1964, turning 55 this year - so there, you're welcome for me doing the math for you...).  My parents were the typical, Midwestern, blue-collar working kind of folk that joined the ranks of others who conceived babies for the boom. And they kicked… Continue reading I kid you not, my dear