Adventures · Inspiration

How you’ll become a Buddha master of your blog

Hello, fellow blogger!  It’s a new year, and you’ve jumped on the Blogship Mary, set off on a course to be a Master Blogger.  It’s day 6!  Yippee!

Have you arrived at your destination, yet?

Or are you suddenly exhausted?

All the tips and tricks you thought you should try have been tried, in 144 hours.  And you’re flat-out tired, right?  Or is that just me?


Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master. – Christian Lous Lange

WTH, you tell yourself?  I spent all this money on starting a blog, and now what?  I can’t just quit.  And nap.


You tell yourself, “This blogging stuff is harder than I thought it would be?  Why, oh, why is it so damn hard?”

It’s a mystery!

And only a student in the process of continual learning of how each important layer of effort makes the difference will truly understand.

You are always a student, never a master.  You have to keep moving forward.  – Conrad Hall

That’s what you thought you’ve tried to do.  For a bit, now, (6-day trip is a long time) and it should just come to you more easily, right?

You’re not sure what you were trying to create, were you, even if you thought you knew, you’re still working out the bugs, right?

It happens.

But, you’re impatient.  When will I be done with this set-up process and officially be a blogger?

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What the hell is the magic secret to understanding what your blog should look like and how it should work out in the end?

There isn’t a single one, sorry to say.  You’re gonna feel weird about it, you will.


But there is a tiny little secret, that everyone holds closely to their breasts until they’ve magically arrived on an uncharted WordPress shore somewhere.  No longer lost in the abyss of the ever mighty Blogosphere, with millions of other bloggers.


It’s the moment they’re a master blogger with advice that someone will pay them for.  Lucky bastards!

That’s not you yet, you’re still feeling like an alien that landed in strange hands.

Stop right there!

You’re not looking at it from the right perspective.  Your blog should be in your own hands.  It’s safe there.  Be okay with it there.  You’re still learning.  They did the same thing, really, they did.

It may look like those experts cruised along ahead of you on an elaborately themed machine, with lots of moving parts.  That you can buy too, by the way.  And they were discovered as a master blogger right after launching their blogs.

It looked easy, all you had to do was plug it in and start creating.  Did you do that?

Just plugged it in and off you went as a blogger.

All parts churning at once, yeah, that’s it, it must be the ticket, right?


No one tells you up front that it is, bullshit, really.  And a lot of your efforts will require you to chug, chug, chug along at a gradual pace.

Layer upon layer you have to do the hard creative work on your own.  That doesn’t come with the package, it’s all up to you, baby!

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It is.  You have to be patient.  It really is what YOU have to do.

We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.  – Ernest Hemingway

And that’s the part we all miss hearing as we’re starting out, working our way to the top of our efforts.  We feel like every direction we turn, it doesn’t seem like we’ve gotten there yet.  I know I’ve felt that way so many times.  Some days, less than the day before, but yeah, I do.

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All those tiny details of each attempt, or each post, or each picture I take are layers and the keys to my success, or not.  Noah didn’t build an arch in a day, and you and I can’t build a blog (or followers) in a day.   It takes time, and longer than we expect.


Period.  Sorry, it’s the truth.  We have to keep growing and learning and reaching for the next level or shore.  Every day.


You are the master of your own ship, pal.  There are lots of people who fall into troubled waters and don’t have the guts or the knowledge or the ability to make it to shore.  They have nobody to blame but themselves. – Evel Knievel

Each layer is important.  And you can’t have it all at once, you have to build your blog as you go.  Once you complete one project (aka, a post), you’ll feel great.  Rejoice in your efforts, you’ve made it to the top of that post.  Go ahead, do it, press PUBLISH!


But tomorrow, you’ll start all over again.

You have to keep showing up, keep trying new things, keep writing, keep being friendly to visitors, especially, to all the other bloggers who are swimming alongside you, trying to survive out there, too.

Eventually, we’ll all get it.  Each and every groove of blogging will appear as clear as the ocean blue.


And it’ll feel like you’re the master of your ship, and you’ll stand back and admire your handy work.  And you should pause and be damn impressed with your efforts.

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‘Cuz bottom line is, if you’re interested in your own work, someone else will be too.  You have to love it, or just chalk it off your to-do list and move on.  You get to decide!

And that’s the mystical day that you can call yourself (no matter how many followers you have), the Buddha Master of your own damn Blog!


You’ll continue to grow, you will.  You have to remember it’s okay in the beginning to be small.  Be wise – and always, always, always, be in love with what you’re doing while you’re at it.  That is a Master Blogger’s advice if I’ve ever heard one.

Post inspiration – Linda G. Hill’s #JusJoJan – Thanks to Sadje’s idea of Master.


PS – So yeah, Mr. got a new toy for Christmas, an Ender 5 3-D printer.  I’m smitten with the adorable little things it prints.  The Buddha was waiting for me by my coffee cup this morning.  And…it’s still a Dry January here.  It’s fun to have a new project, new books to read, and new things to discover to keep my cravings at bay.  How are your resolutions going?  Are you still sticking to them?  How about your new blog look, are you loving it?  


35 thoughts on “How you’ll become a Buddha master of your blog

  1. Wow that is quite a contraption! How cool those little figurines are. Love the Buddha. Those piles of receipts reminds me that getting our papers in order for last year is on my list of things to do this week. Thanks Shelley.

    1. It is, and yes, they are so darn cute! I love the Buddha, too. Yeah…it’s that time of year to get papers in order. I wanna fire myself every year for not keeping up! I trust you’ll be all caught up in no time!

  2. Oh dear……..what other nick nacks will he produce. Does he have a purpose for the printer or is it all fun and games until he builds a new wife lol

    1. He’s been busy making things all day…! I believe there is a purpose, I haven’t heard that it is to replace me, it’s hard to improve on perfection ;-)! But…time will tell! 🙂

  3. Loved your spunk. And that is a super cool device. I assume it is a 3D printer of some sort. Right in my quality/engineering wheelhouse.

    1. Aw, thank you, Anita. Yes, an Ender 5 (official name per Mr.) – you two would love chatting about it – I’m just amazed by how it creates. It’s fascinating to watch. It can even make articulating things!

        1. Yes, it’s fun. The machine was a gift, but the extras…well, not sure…I haven’t processed those receipts, yet ;-)!

  4. Man, my brain is scrambled. I thought the title said “booger master of your blog”. LOL! Had to do a double take. Love those 3D prints! It’s so amazing how those things work. Nice inspirational post Shelley! Thanks!

  5. We can all learn a little more about honing our craft – I loved all those quotes you used Shelley. Fascinating as to the 3D printer. There is so much to learn and explore in the world of technology – it leaves you breathless sometimes.

    1. Thank you, Linda, your thoughts mean so much to me! Yes, technology is fascinating. I’m glad Mr. likes to research and experiment, it’s fun to see what he finds while I’m off writing blog posts! LOL!

      1. I’ve never seen a “product” of a 3D printer Shelly, so liked seeing the Buddha and cat – I am fascinated by how they are making artificial limbs for youngsters (maybe adults too, but mostly I’ve heard about the youngsters) from 3D printers – wow!

        1. It is a fun toy. Last nights project broke, so I’m waiting to hear what happened. WOW – I could see that technology could print things like limbs, etc. Mr. printed a couple of articulating objects and I’m still astonished that it worked so well!

          1. It’s so amazing to me Shelley … I’ve been around since teachers used mimeograph machines and passed out our quizzes or tests on paper printed with purplish ink … we’ve come a long way haven’t we?

          2. Yes, we have. I remember those mimeograph machines and the smell of the paper – a scent I’ll never forget. Thanks for the fun memory!

          3. I was going to mention that scent … “hot off the press” and sometimes your fingers would turn a little purple from handling it. (I thought you were too young to remember them.)

          4. I went to a low-budget grade school and the machine we had was in the teacher’s lounge in the basement. Oh…my…there are those memories again!

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