Adventures · Welcome

Yoga Mat Neighbors

Imagine you’re laying on your back, relaxed, getting into your zen-like zone, pausing right before you begin your morning stretching routine and slowly open your eyes to this face looking at you.


In an instant, there is the “what the heck are you doing” feeling overwhelming me.  It happens to me every time my neighboring floor mate intrudes my yoga mat space.

She enters the room in a sloth-like way, snorting a bit as she moves slowly across the floor.  She’s sure something must have happened to me since my eyes are closed.  She sniffs my face in a lame attempt to revive me.  She knows I’ll push her away, and that I’ll also eventually stand up and leave the mat exposed enough so she can launch in and take up some space.

As soon as I move into downward facing dog pose (and literally, the dog is in the direction I face when I do the pose), she plops on to the mat to begin her cat does manatee pose.  She has the pose perfected don’t you think?


I adjust and try to use what little mat is left to do my cat pose while Dessy curls a bit into her version – the cat does shrimp pose.


She’s apparently not interested in moving too far from the spot she claimed.  She keeps a watchful eye on me to see what my next pose will be.  One must always be aware of where your yoga mat neighbor is moving next.


She attempts to stretch her neck a bit.  Holding it up to prepare herself for movement into the cat side-laying pose.  I think there’s another side motivation too, she might just be wondering when Copper will be moving from his pillow spot so she can move to a cushier spot to rest.  Cat Yoga is tiring.


Success, she’s moved to the cat side-laying pose without too much effort.  She’s pretty proud of herself.  And ready for another day of lounging around the floor neighborhood.


Daily Post Prompt – Neighbors