Adventures · Cheers

Two, too, different

How many pairs of twos can you see in the photo above?  Look close – the notable ones are kitten eyes, tags, shoes, furniture legs, paws…what else do you see?

What you can’t see is what I see when I grab my camera.  Sometimes I get exactly what I was aiming for, and other times I don’t.  Like the photo below.

Was I trying to take a picture of me holding the camera or was it something else?

Or did I just crop it?

It’s my little secret.  A photographer’s prerogative.


My favorite shots are those that tell a story.

Like a curious kitten sniffing a stranger’s jeans.


A Mr. who knows how to handle his tools of the trade.


A celebration martini, with two olives, please.


Dessy, whose figure is a bit barrel-like of late.


A grown child smiling while making friends with the goats.


A yearning to go outside, by my little old pup.  He’s been a bit cur this week due to a bum leg.  He’s dreaming of running free in the green grass.

Soon little guy, soon…

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I’m dreaming too…

of breezy air adventures in the wild of our yard.


Dear Cee – thank you for challenging me with the Black & White 2 Different Things!

And, THANK YOU – dear reader for stopping by – hope you have a great Friday – xx!  

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