Adventures · Going Gray

The ugly shoes I wear

Have you ever made a guy wait until you find the right pair of shoes to wear to a garden party?  Or finish photographing them for your blog post?


Or have your shoes ever gotten a second glance from some other cute guy while you’re at an outdoor party?

I get that all the time.


Well, that was maybe just me.  Last night.  I was distraught.  I needed to get the damn reveal of the ugly shoes done.  Enough already.

But I needed photos first.  I put on big girl shoes, grabbed my camera, and got all ready to share the ugly truth about them butt-ugly shoes.  And my fear of showing off my feet.  I added some Revlon #640 Fearless polish to my toes, and you guessed it.

It’s Finally Ugly Shoes Reveal Time!

You know you’re old when someone compliments you on your alligator shoes, and you’re barefoot.  – Phyllis Diller

No matter how you stack ’em or sculpt ’em into a pile some shoes just don’t look pretty.


Even if I try to show off their curves and contours and go all abstract with the photos.

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Toe to toe, they’ll still be unimpressive.


I’m trying to find a little joy and happiness, a lot of giggles – and maybe some pretty shoes.  –  Tracee Ellis Ross

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A friend of mine’s husband told me I should label them to make sure I put them on the right foot.  So I experimented in photo editing mode.  I dunno, what do you think?  Too over the top…still ugly, right!?  But the paint matches my polish color.


They still don’t make the cut.  Right? or Left?  Each shoe is slightly different from their sole mate.  But so are my feet – sigh… I hope that doesn’t mean we’re a match made in heaven after all?

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Shoes are the finishing touch on any outfit and it is important to complete a look with the perfect pair.  – Tracy Reese

At some point, no matter how many times I try these shoes on or off, I just have to go with the brightest pair.  The white ones are appropriate for working a garden party and if something gets them dirty or I ruin them somehow, I sure won’t be shedding any tears.  Maybe tears of relief?

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Don’t you worry none, I won’t be quitting my day job to become a shoe model.

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But I have certainly learned my lesson – “Shoes may be cute in Facebook ads, but don’t ever, ever, ever buy them unless I can try them on first!”

Post Inspiration – Becky B’s #JulySquares and #Blue (my twist on it, a bolt out of the blue…tiny blue edge of the rug in the main photo – that counts!); Dutch Goes the Photo – Sculpture

PS – Okay, was it worth the wait I made you endure?  I’m right, right? – They are ugly shoes?  Maybe if someone with adorable feet wants to model them they’d look better?  They’re free to the first bidder or to someone who is trying to stock their new shoe closet?!  😉



45 thoughts on “The ugly shoes I wear

  1. Ha–this is funny. I don’t mind the silver ones. I mean, in my size (9) they would look like boats, but I never have been able to get into the thick soles. Are they comfy anyway? That’d be a plus!

    1. LOL – these are size 8 so close to ‘boat’ size ;-)! They aren’t very comfortable – the silver ones don’t breath at all. Neither whine or wine make them better ;-).

    1. LOL – yeah, I’ve blocked the ads, NO MORE Shoe buying off of Facebook! Oh, my, goodness, these shoes might work for throwing. If I had a big golden retriever dog, I could use them for dog training and shooting at targets. Hmm…now you’ve got me reconsidering the options to keep them. And here I thought you’d request them for a late birthday present?!

  2. I’m wearing a pair of shoes right now that are fashionable tennies. Hurting like hell. I’m with you, no more shoes offline unless they are a tried and true replacement!

    1. You mean you didn’t weed those out during your closet revival? Shoes, I tell ya, they are a necessary evil that takes us astray! 😉

    1. LOL – then I’ll consider them Sold! Send me your address – plus Maggie might like to play fetch with them?!

  3. Ah, what a bummer. They have such potential. But no pain! And the only shoes I buy online are from free shipping places and brands I know (Zappos, Nordstrom…). The Phyllis Diller quote made me LOL. My feet! 🙂

    1. Yeah, I’ve tried everything to fall in love with them, but I Just Can’t Do It! LOL – yeah, good ol’ Phyllis was a hoot 🙂

  4. Hmm… Those shoes are not the prettiest, I grant you. But enhanced with a L and a R they might become quirky enough to pass as trendy. Maybe.

    1. LOL – I’m sensing you want me to send them your way to give it a try? You could wear them to the store and buy a pear and ask the kid there what he thinks about them?

        1. I’ll be here for back-up if you change your mind…I haven’t found any takers yet, I’m getting desperate here! SOS!

  5. why no. no dude has ever looked at my shoes as far as I know. well, the First Sergeant did but it was a uniform inspection back in the dat and he wanted to know if my shoes had a shine on them.

    and I’d use purple ink. just saying.

    1. LOL – FS knew who to watch for inspections, eh?
      Now I know where to go to get tips on shoe coloring. Purple might be nice with the red L & R’s?

  6. I love the Phyllis Diller quote, made me laugh! Umm they are not attractive shoes, sorry Shelley. 🤭

    1. LOL – glad I could make you laugh and enjoy the shoe reveal – I agree, they aren’t attractive at all!

  7. Well Shelley…..what can I say that is tactful but truthful? The silver ones might pass for a party, as they are less noticeable, but the white ones look…..I’m really loss for a word…..too clunky? But the more important thing is are they comfortable? As you don’t like them could you wear them around the yard gardening if you don’t want to wear them out in public, although the white ones might show grass stains and mud! Sorry….

    1. LOL – no worries, Joni, I appreciate your kind approach to feedback I agree with 100%! I’m not thrilled about the tan lines they would give my feet, I should just toss them like Brian suggested! 😉

  8. I don’t think the shoes are all that bad (big toe protectors!).
    My priority is comfort these days and those do look comfortable. Great quotes and I like the abstract shoe close-ups 🙂

    1. LOL – yeah, big toe protectors is right. I’m all about comfort too – mostly just wear running shoes or flipflops. These shoes are pure flops. Glad you enjoyed the abstract close-ups. 🙂

  9. Ah, I didnt miss the great reveal. Uhm… well… hmmm… I would call them “unconventional” 😁 in Great British understatement mode… 😘 🙋‍♀️🐝

    1. LOL – I’m glad the shoes didn’t disappoint! So you want me to ship them to you…one of each? 😉

  10. Well well. I wouldn’t call them beautiful shoes, but they’re not so bad. I was expecting a lot worse. They are perfect for working in the garden or around the house. Not sure I would walk alongside a girlfriend wearing these in the street. LOL

    They aren’t so bad Shelley. Enjoy them.

    1. Glad I could convince you that they weren’t the best shoes. You’re right, they work great for the gardening. And I might just take some colorful markers to them to design a better look for the garden party. Just remember, if you’re looking for a special gift for that girl, um, they are size 8 and I’d be happy to ship them your way. It wouldn’t take as long as it took for me to get them in the first place! Thank you for patiently waiting for the reveal! 😉

  11. Holy big toe Batman! Those things are so awful! At first I thought “straight jacket for the big toe”. But then as I saw more pictures it was more like something the doctor would use for your big toe if it was broken. I really think you could sell them as a medical device and make big bucks! Worth a shot.

    1. LOL – I’m smiling and laughing and so happy you commented. I was just thinking about YOU today, wondering what you’ve been up to. I like your idea…medical device…hmmm……!

        1. You’re welcome, and thank you for reading, I appreciate you doing so and your witty comments always make me smile! Yes, the shoes are UGLY! 😉

  12. Well … they’re different, I’ll give them that and hopefully the portion that goes between the big toe and next toe does not hurt like some flip-top type sandals do. I have got the cutest pair of leather thong-type sandals with flowers where the part slips between your toes … I refuse to throw them away, but they are the most uncomfortable shoes I’ve ever owned.

    1. LOL – different is right. Surprisingly, the toe thing isn’t that uncomfortable. The pair that is almost okay enough looking to wear out in public is made of some material that is so blasted hot, I couldn’t wear them for any length of time. They were a waste of effort on the manufacturer’s part. I had enough fun with them, I’ll probably donate them.

      1. My mom’s first job out of business school was the bookkeeper at a manufacturing plant of ladies undergarments. It was Flexees, which I don’t think is/was an American brand. This was in Toronto in the garment district. Each new brand of any undergarment, even a slip or camisole, was tested by the woman employees at Flexees to ensure it was comfortable and functional in every way. If there were issues, they went back to the drawing board. My mom was big on top and said she would be able to critique where the straps would gouge into her shoulder tops or pinch anywhere else … only after humans tested, were they put on the market. They should do that with shoes too.

        1. Very interesting – I bet their clothing line was popular because of the pre-release testing. I agree, they should do that with shoes too. Thank you for sharing your story.

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