
Why yes, Black-Eyed Susans look like buttons to me

Let's take a Sunday Stills stroll, by taking a break with me to wander virtually through my Black-eyed Susan flower bed that is bursting with yellow splashes of joy. I'm glad Merriam-Webster agrees with me, a bud can be called a button. A quick Google check around the world and it appears according to the… Continue reading Why yes, Black-Eyed Susans look like buttons to me

Emptying the nest

For 10 years I had a bright idea to revive a lamp

10 years ago I had a bright idea.  Yikes, that's painful to admit...for 10 *&#!*!! years, I've had this lamp, and haven't been using it.  Things have finally changed, though. Silly ol' me.  You know me, I love yellow things - yellow shirts, yellow belts, and yellow walls, and this yellow lamp.  With delicate pink… Continue reading For 10 years I had a bright idea to revive a lamp

Adventures · Inspiration

My yellow belt philosophy on life

From the time I was little, I've adored the color yellow.  That and the sky blue crayon in the Crayola box are my favs.  It's no wonder I have walls in my house painted both colors.  While the blue calms me, the yellow evokes happiness in me. I'm drawn to it.  I can't help but… Continue reading My yellow belt philosophy on life