
The mystery of fallen Zinnia seeds – a yellow bandit reveals his beak

If you wait for the right moment and pay attention, you can catch bandits in action. Earlier this month, I discovered Zinnia seeds on the leaves of the plant.  I thought I was a terrible plant mom.  I just knew it had to be a bird that was attacking the flowers.  I didn't know which… Continue reading The mystery of fallen Zinnia seeds – a yellow bandit reveals his beak

Adventures · Cheers

Not just a dinner party for the birds

Mr. cooked up a grilling feast for the two of us last night for dinner.  Meanwhile, in the yard, the birds must've been busy working up an appetite of their own.  They were mighty hungry and so was I! Join us (me) for a tour of the party we had going on. First dinner -… Continue reading Not just a dinner party for the birds