
Wow, time flies

Time flies fast, especially when you're engrossed in a writing project, aka, a really serious blog topic for a post that is WOW (full of Words Of Wisdom). Wow...dang, double...dang...yes, look at the clock, time flies by really fast. Just like a windy day, as the sun sets aglow behind the scene of the bird… Continue reading Wow, time flies

Adventures · Inspiration

Five Tips on how to survive the first 7 days of Dry January

For those of us, I'm gonna kick the drink wannabes, our first week off of the sauce is the toughest - so they say. As I reflect on that perception, I'm wondering if it is true or not? I tried a few hot tips this week, and so far so good. I chose to jump in on… Continue reading Five Tips on how to survive the first 7 days of Dry January

Adventures · Inspiration

A chubba cat walks into a bar and says “Sup”

Here's the sap/sep/sip/sop/sup kind of deal.  I don't care for it when Copper gets all the accolades for his blog posts.  So I was meowing complaining about it and said to Mrs., "Sup with that?"  So she acquiesced and gave me the chance to show him up. So there. Have I got your attention yet? … Continue reading A chubba cat walks into a bar and says “Sup”

Adventures · Cheers

Dashing thoughts about healthy food and bones to pick about alcohol

Do you ever have a bone to pick with someone, anyone, about how fast time flies and how our health changes before we know it - especially as we age?  Or how the wine looks better in pictures than a glass of water does?  I do. Now that we're in my 50's, and it's just… Continue reading Dashing thoughts about healthy food and bones to pick about alcohol

Adventures · Inspiration

Surreal discoveries about blogging

As a beginning or hobby blogger, I can tell you the life of a blogger is nothing short of surreal.  The moments of discovery are fleeting and fuzzy as I sit down to write each day. I (you) show up with each sunrise, ready to capture the fleeting thoughts that kept me (you) up all… Continue reading Surreal discoveries about blogging

Adventures · Cheers

How I became a water whisperer

It has been dry here in Wisconsin.  The grass has gone dormant and the cornfield is curling up into itself.  Everything seems to be craving water.  With the drought, it is a possibility that I have become a water whisperer. Okay, maybe just a self-proclaimed one, but I'm thinking it is so. Thankfully, my flowers… Continue reading How I became a water whisperer