Emptying the nest · Inspiration · Welcome

A perfect empty nest friendship gift

I've discovered, as a little birdie in an empty nest, alongside a handsome Mr. who humors me, we can do this empty nesting thing.  Well, not really, we're both still learning.  But, we know we/I'd have to one way or another.  It is inevitable.  All parents go through it.  At least I'm not alone, even… Continue reading A perfect empty nest friendship gift

Adventures · Inspiration

A mail-tale before I hightail it outta here

I don't often start out this way on my posts, but today...well, today is different.  Today the topic of SoCS (aka Stream of Consciousness Saturday) is strange to me.  Sorry, Linda, but it's true. I sure can tell Linda's a creative gal to come up with this hot topic for the day: “the last piece… Continue reading A mail-tale before I hightail it outta here

Adventures · Going Gray

Icy surfs up and the bikini still hasn’t arrived yet!

Instantly disappointed is a mild manner way to put it.  Poor me...poor Copper...poor Mr.  It's -24 degrees this morning. And the two of them have to go out in it AGAIN.  They might not be the only ones though.  I probably have to go join the ranks, too. Heavy sighs in unison... That's how I… Continue reading Icy surfs up and the bikini still hasn’t arrived yet!


A rabbit tale brought to you by a dog

Copper:  Can I write the blog post for you today? Me:  Um...sure...but why do you want to do that? Copper:  Cuz' you're looking a bit lost, kind of like you have no idea what to write about? Me:  Yeah, I kind of am.  You see the prompt is snail mail, and I already wrote about… Continue reading A rabbit tale brought to you by a dog

Adventures · Welcome

Snail mail

When was the last time you closed your laptop or walked away from your computer, grabbed a pen & a greeting card, and boycotted sending an email as your chosen form of communication? This morning, I did just that.  Instead of sending emails, I closed my laptop and took the challenge to hand write greeting… Continue reading Snail mail