
I Resolve to Make Happy Memories in 2022

I feel as though I have a bit of dementia regarding 2021. There are plenty of moments I'd like to forget and many I'd like to remember. I resolve to make 2022 a better year of capturing happy moments to remember. Our annual tradition of de-decorating begins January 1 of each new year. We're always… Continue reading I Resolve to Make Happy Memories in 2022

Adventures · Inspiration

My yellow belt philosophy on life

From the time I was little, I've adored the color yellow.  That and the sky blue crayon in the Crayola box are my favs.  It's no wonder I have walls in my house painted both colors.  While the blue calms me, the yellow evokes happiness in me. I'm drawn to it.  I can't help but… Continue reading My yellow belt philosophy on life

Adventures · Inspiration

A family that plays with photography

Hey you wanna be photographers, are you learning as you go, too?  Are you a super-duper photographer extraordinaire in the works like me? YAY, you're welcome here! When you look back through the photos you took, do you quickly jump to the judge and jury of yourself as a photographer? I do.  Sometimes.  Sometimes not.… Continue reading A family that plays with photography

Adventures · Inspiration

How vintage photography inspires me

I'm one to wonder about treasures I've kept over the years.  (Duh, I'm a Dubious MinimalistTM, that's what I do, but beside the point).  Those precious trinkets have undiscovered stories and pasts. The mysteriousness of their pasts piques my interests in them and provokes me to let them hang around in my life, you know… Continue reading How vintage photography inspires me

Adventures · Inspiration

2018 was all about capturing moments

If you're like me, and you take a lot of (tons, thousands, millions, you get it...) pictures in a year, so much so that you needed a bigger server to store them on, it's dang hard to pick just a few favorites. I thought back to how much fun I had while taking all of… Continue reading 2018 was all about capturing moments

Adventures · Inspiration

A pet’s perspective on longing

I often wonder what the pets in my life are thinking.  I'm lucky to have furry friends around to keep me pondering about life and posing for my photography practice.  3 of our own - 1 dog and 2 cats.  Rarely, if ever, are they pictured all 3 together. As it should be, they each… Continue reading A pet’s perspective on longing