Going Gray

If only my ghost blogger would sleep

If only my ghost blogger would just sleep. It shows up and writes a blog post in the middle of the night. Every night. If it would sleep then I wouldn't have to remember all the crazy things I should write about the next morning. You know the clever stuff - to knock your sheets… Continue reading If only my ghost blogger would sleep


How to be an unsuccessful personal blogger

Personal blogging lesson time.  But first - welcome to a new installment of Twisted Tuesdays.  I started them two years ago.  Two whole years ago - WOW. Jeepers, creepers, my how time flies as a personal blogger.  Who, by the way, still has no idea what the hell they're doing ... Except for failing fairly miserably… Continue reading How to be an unsuccessful personal blogger

Adventures · Inspiration

Just do it, renew the domain name

I remember the day I was brave enough to start this blog.  I was so damn excited, I couldn't contain myself. And, then I remembered back to the days I started my other two blogs.  The first one still gets read, at random moments.  And the 2nd one, well, it is this one, just a… Continue reading Just do it, renew the domain name

Adventures · Inspiration

A reflective memoir from a personal blogger

As a personal blogger, there are moments when I think to myself, what the heck am I doing trying to be a blogger? Yesterday, I got an email from Bluehost to remind me how many days I have left to renew my website's domain name.  I chose to use Bluehost to host my own website… Continue reading A reflective memoir from a personal blogger

Adventures · Inspiration

The balancing act of a personal blogger

Delicate ideas that blossom for a blog post come out of nowhere. Magically appearing, right? As if you were just standing there, waiting for the idea to pop into your head.  So you could balance it with just the right words.  And paint a beautiful watercolor-like image for your readers and for yourself.  Ah, to… Continue reading The balancing act of a personal blogger

Adventures · Inspiration

Happy discoveries about being a personal blogger

Let's get up close and personal as I confess to you my happy discoveries about being a blogger. When I started out, I believed famous bloggers who said it was easy to set up a blog.  I heard them cheering me on as I attempted to fulfill their claims of: "It'll only take 10 minutes… Continue reading Happy discoveries about being a personal blogger