Going Gray · Welcome

Why there isn’t a finish line when going gray

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of my going gray journey.  Yay me!  Party at 5 pm, after work, will you be here to help me celebrate? Okay - you're right, people don't celebrate gray-anniversaries.  There's no party, it's just me ranting for a bit about the lack of a finish line. Besides, you'd think by… Continue reading Why there isn’t a finish line when going gray

Adventures · Emptying the nest

My bloody garden is on fire this spring

  I'm experimenting with expanding my dubious minimalist approach to gardening.  Now that our nest is empty, I'm thinking growing flowers is a good idea to occupy my "free time." I do have perennials. Not just dandelions... You'll have to trust me on the perennials...they are recovering from the winter. I call them the "survivors… Continue reading My bloody garden is on fire this spring