
The Little Score I Wanted To Know

Ever since 1982 I've been afraid of a score that I never wanted to see in my medical records. That was around the year my mother was first diagnosed with Diabetes Type 2 - Adult Onset Diabetes. I've shredded most of her medical records - but I scanned one record showing her score the year… Continue reading The Little Score I Wanted To Know

Adventures · Cheers

My 54-year-old self’s gift to my 84-year-old self

I call myself a baby of the baby boomers.  I'm one of the last babies born in that generation.  We're a fun bunch of peeps - soon to crash the current system of support for health insurance and social security. Nice gift to future generations, right?  Yay, go team BB! Dearest Shelley, my, oh, my,… Continue reading My 54-year-old self’s gift to my 84-year-old self