Going Gray

A trimming kind of weekend

While I listened to the hum of the lawnmower echoing through the window, I stood there dressed like a unicorn in front of the mirror.  It was trim time on the homefront. I stared at myself and thought, "Good thing Mr. is busy mowing the lawn.  He'd laugh at my haircutting technique.  Everyone learns how… Continue reading A trimming kind of weekend

Going Gray

Why I love my gray hair

I've never fussed much with my wild a** curly hair.  It has a mind of its own, that's for sure. Well...on second thought, after I typed those words, I know that Mr. would disagree and call me out on it. He's right.  Dagnabit. When I colored my hair, I fought with it EVERY day.  I… Continue reading Why I love my gray hair

Going Gray

Will I love my gray hair when I turn 54?

In less than two weeks, (13 days), I'll be 54 years old with a full head of curly gray hair. Not like when I turned 50.  Nope, not at all like that.  I had just colored my hair.  My hairstylist called it a fun Auburn-brownish color. She had humored my desire to match it to… Continue reading Will I love my gray hair when I turn 54?