Emptying the nest

Vintage or Not, Those Boxes are Still a Tripping Hazard

Why in the world would there be boxes everywhere? Oh, yes, because it's the 3rd time we're (I'm) preparing for a thrift sale this year. That's a LOT of thrift sale time, aka, staycation time. You'd think I would've used the previous two + years of a forced staycation to get that kind of clutter-removing… Continue reading Vintage or Not, Those Boxes are Still a Tripping Hazard

Emptying the nest

It’ll Come In Handy Someday

I remember hearing it growing up. I remember saying it growing up. And I still say it more than I care to admit. "Don't you dare toss that, or donate it, just keep it - It'll come in handy someday!" It's the perfect phrase and the demise of every Dubious MinimalistTM How do I know?… Continue reading It’ll Come In Handy Someday


Dubious mask wearer goes off on a rant

Warning - this is a rant.  For any of you who've followed me for a while, you know that I'm the self-proclaimed Dubious Minimalist™ ... no matter what the situation I'm not one to just take the first word on things, especially when it comes to data containing historical perspectives that don't seem to add… Continue reading Dubious mask wearer goes off on a rant

Emptying the nest

3 baby steps to a someday minimalist

I grabbed my second cup of coffee, needed due to sleep deprivation, aka, an unwanted guest of late.  As I left the laundry room where the coffee pot is currently temporarily located, I walked by our lower level bathroom, glanced in the room, and noticed the Instant Pot on the counter - cooking something. Of… Continue reading 3 baby steps to a someday minimalist

Emptying the nest

The Human Behind Their Stuff

Behind every pile of stuff (or whatever you may call it) is a human wondering WTH? Why do I have this in the first place? What am I doing with all this stuff? Whenever I rationalize that I really don't need whatever piece of stuff it is, I struggle with what steps to follow next.… Continue reading The Human Behind Their Stuff

Adventures · Emptying the nest

The well-traveled road to an empty nest library

The moment I became a mom, I discovered I must've forgotten to ask a lot of important questions in life up to that point.  I hadn't traveled that road before, and I was scared as hell thinking I'd fail. I was determined not to fail at the adventure of being a housewife and a mother. … Continue reading The well-traveled road to an empty nest library