Adventures · Cheers

Oh dear, mom had a beer (and chips)

Yes, my dear, she had one beer... On the 21st day of replacing a habit, you'd think by now it'd be set dagnabit. Breaking not just one of my new habits, but two, oh, my, they multiplied like rabbits. Those who've paved the way before, tell you by that day, your longing will be no… Continue reading Oh dear, mom had a beer (and chips)

Adventures · Inspiration

How to make your point vanish into food

When my thoughts wander off, and I lose focus, due to all the amazing scents on the ground a light dusting of snow has to offer the world, I invite Dessy to write.  Instead of me...or the Mrs.  Who, by the way, seems to have vanished into thin Dry January air...or maybe it's her pile… Continue reading How to make your point vanish into food

Adventures · Cheers · Inspiration

February is a long way from January

In Wisconsin, January is a really long month...I wonder if the geese are enjoying their Dry January - there appears to be a lack of standing water drinks available when they land on sandbars on the ground...? Let your joy be in your journey - not in some distant goal. - Tim Cook Post Inspiration… Continue reading February is a long way from January

Adventures · Inspiration

The sunrise of my 540th post

Do you wake up every morning, bright, full of energy, and ready to tackle the day?  Do you sing while the sun rises? Or are you shy, like me, and whisper because you can't carry a tune, and you hum instead? Sing it with me..."Good morning, sunrise, how are you?"  (not the right words, but… Continue reading The sunrise of my 540th post

Adventures · Inspiration

How to get motivated to fit into your swimsuit for Spring Break

"Well,'s not quite the beach body look we're going for, the cover-up is a little flimsy, and there's some redundant fluff going on...but, (butt) on the upside, it's a good thing you've got a couple of months ahead of you to modify your diet and then you'll be golden!" Post Inspiration - Linda… Continue reading How to get motivated to fit into your swimsuit for Spring Break

Adventures · Inspiration

Five Tips on how to survive the first 7 days of Dry January

For those of us, I'm gonna kick the drink wannabes, our first week off of the sauce is the toughest - so they say. As I reflect on that perception, I'm wondering if it is true or not? I tried a few hot tips this week, and so far so good. I chose to jump in on… Continue reading Five Tips on how to survive the first 7 days of Dry January