Adventures · Emptying the nest

Blogging is about teamwork and embracing small accomplishments

It's been one heck of a month so far here in my (our) little old world.  And it's only the 10th of October. Our bad windows were removed - new windows installed.  Not cleaned yet, no blinds rehung yet - after all, we're still in the honeymoon stage - leaving them all exposed to admire… Continue reading Blogging is about teamwork and embracing small accomplishments

Adventures · Inspiration

10 tips to overcome blogging blues

Having the Blogging Blues is a real thing. Seriously, I suspect I'm not alone in attending an occasional blogging blues fest.  Every full moon blogging demons just show up and claim our creative thinking space.  Even the pros have demons, (in their sleepless nights), to fight off, too. As a part-time blogger, spending plenty of… Continue reading 10 tips to overcome blogging blues


6 blogging lessons I’ve learned

When you woke up this morning were you thinking about a decision you made 6 years ago? Some decisions make a HUGE impact, whereas other decisions make only tiny differences in our lives.  And you know what, contrary to what we’re told to believe, it is okay to embrace small changes/choices we make in our… Continue reading 6 blogging lessons I’ve learned


Is a vacation like getting a new battery?

A year ago, I posted my 400th post right smack here on this my Lil' ol' hobby blog.  (Do check out that post by clicking here, to see how far I've come about sunsets on the damn shed across the road, and other procrastinating efforts, etc..  Comments are closed, after all, I don't need a… Continue reading Is a vacation like getting a new battery?

Adventures · Inspiration

Blogging advice from My 700th post

In retrospect, I now know that there is this really long time in a blogging adventure called the growing time.  It's not the wild success at the end, I haven't a clue about that. I'm talking about being able to look back and see how blogging is about growing into something beautiful. Whatever that may… Continue reading Blogging advice from My 700th post

Adventures · Inspiration

Just do it, renew the domain name

I remember the day I was brave enough to start this blog.  I was so damn excited, I couldn't contain myself. And, then I remembered back to the days I started my other two blogs.  The first one still gets read, at random moments.  And the 2nd one, well, it is this one, just a… Continue reading Just do it, renew the domain name