Adventures · Emptying the nest

Blogging is about teamwork and embracing small accomplishments

It’s been one heck of a month so far here in my (our) little old world.  And it’s only the 10th of October.

Our bad windows were removed – new windows installed.  Not cleaned yet, no blinds rehung yet – after all, we’re still in the honeymoon stage – leaving them all exposed to admire their pristineness.  30-year-old windows have got a look that we were happy to let go of.


Just sayin’…


And the cracked one hasn’t been replaced yet – you’d think they’d want to do that before it is 30 below out?!  I know I hope they do.


The farmer finally finished his task of harvesting the soybeans.  It was a teamwork effort.  Mr. and Mrs. Farmer worked together to do the repairs, (finishing up the repairs at 1:00 pm)…


As he drove off to finish the big combine driving, she waited patiently and supportively by his side.

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Farming is a tough business, you need a strong relationship to endure such feats against nature’s elements and machines that breakdown in the middle of your efforts.  A lot of trusts involved on the way to a successful harvest, I’m sure of it.


Meanwhile, with the windows all buckled up, we’re hoping the heating season is a less costly endeavor than the investment in new windows was.

And now we’re on to the next project.  We’re determined to not let the snowdrifts accumulate in our entryway this year…no more leaks aloud!


Mr. is doing the digging to find out ways to get the snow off without having to shovel it every time it snows.  So he set out on the ground digging a hole to connect with our previous drainage system so he could run a new heat tape cord in it.  I didn’t have the heart to take a photo of him laying on the ground digging with a small garden shovel.  His creativity never ceases to amaze me.

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The hole is ready and pipes are ready.  As he opened the new container with the heat tape, he discovered it was a melted bundle of black cord.  It was either a factory error (some production guy might have an idea about quality control issues?) or it was returned by someone who accidentally left it plugged in while still in the box?  Either way, the project was halted and postponed until today to finish.  We’re keeping our fingers crossed the rain will hold off until this project is done.

I’m sad it will rain and blow – the Oak trees across the field are just starting to turn colors.


We’re starting to feel like we’re empty nest project managers here in our corner of the world.  Each project is an accomplishment (big or small) we enjoy celebrating together.  So much of this stuff I know I could never do on my own.

While Mr. digs holes and cooks and all the other stuff he does, I blog.  But I don’t do that alone either.


There’s always some small scoop of entertainment that I notice in my world that I find blog-worthy to share.  It’s a teamwork effort, cuz’ in case you don’t know how much it is so, if it weren’t for you, I don’t know if I’d carry on.

I’m incredibly thankful and glad you stop by to visit.  I adore it when you share your thoughts.  xx

Post Inspiration – Empty nest projects that make our corner of the world spin and blogging for 3 years!  Woohoo!

PS – Have you ever purchased something that was damaged in the box?  I sure hope it was a factory error and not some loser who returned it to the store?  What is your favorite tree color?  What’s your favorite season?  


35 thoughts on “Blogging is about teamwork and embracing small accomplishments

  1. I so agree about the pleasures of sharing life with other bloggers. I think you guys are doing a sterling job with you improvements. Keep going!

    1. Yes, the sharing of life with others has been a pleasant surprise to me. Thank you for sharing your life with us here. We appreciate your encouragement to keep improving. 🙂

  2. I hate it when I but something on line and its broken when I get it. Really, do you not check you product before shipping. I love the reds more than the yellows but when they are together in a large landscape like the mountains, its all amazing. Not sure I have a favorite season, I like them all for different reasons but I guess my least favorite is winter. But I do know that nature needs to sleep so…oh, well. It makes the spring that much better. Congrats on 3 years. May the next be as fun as the last.

    1. I know…what’s up with quality control, right?! I’m like you in color choices, the combination of reds, oranges, yellows, browns, and greens at this time of the year is a leaf party for my eyes. I’ve always been a fan of fall, like winter the least, and would miss not having all four of the seasons. If winter could be just a month long, that might be good in my book! Thank you for the encouragement, I so appreciate you sticking around here as a blogosphere friend, your kindness warms my soul! Ditto to you – may each year of blogging bring you joy!

      1. Thank you for your kindness. It has been a blessing to me. And I fully agree on winter being only a month long, with longer fall and spring.

  3. Wow…you’re really in winter prep mode. Good for you! I will cross my fingers the project gets completed before rain. We’re starting to cloud up on this side of the Lake and the next week looks WET. 🙁 So today I’m going to cut back gardens and (I hope) sand and varnish the edges of my windows. But only on the south side where they get the sun pounding them all year. Not that I’m complaining. Ha!

    I love fall the best. If only it didn’t mean winter was next.

    1. Yep, we’re feeling the ‘where did all the fall warm weather go push’ to get things done. The project is mostly done, there’s always one more step. It rained last night, so we’ll see how the new drain worked once the sun comes up.
      I need to cut back my gardens too – I remember you know how to do that well. Me, not so much – do you yank out the Blackeyed Susans or just cut them off? I have so many this year, I’m guessing if I yank them it’ll be okay?
      Hope you’re able to get your windows treated before the rain comes.
      I hear ya – I don’t want to complain, but the stores have all the Christmas decorations out already, so winter must be closer than I thought it was!?!
      Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!

      1. I try to but my Susans back, but they are creepers, so I have to pull some errant ones every year or they’d take over my garden. 🙂

  4. I love stopping by your neighborhood in our big blogosphere! New windows are very exciting–and so is the thought of smaller heating bills! At the first house we owned, the windows were original to the 1800s home. Ugh. That was tough, even in Maryland. Windows were the first things I fell in love with in our new (1940!) home. I’m looking forward to getting back to my blog, now that I’ve returned from my writer’s conference inspired and hoping to share some thoughts!

    1. I love that you stop by – your comments always brighten my day! I can imagine that windows are an important part of a writer’s life – looking out a view that inspires has to help get WIPs done!!?
      I stopped by to read your interview of Terri – very nice, I’ve added HAINT to my want-to-read list for my winter reading! I look forward to reading your post about the conference. Getting glimpses of a writer’s life through your experiences is a joy for me to discover. 🙂

  5. Congratulations on three years Shelley! Your husband is such a good handyman too, lucky you! I hope the cracked glass is replaced before the snow flies… Brrrr!!

    1. Thank you, John!! Me too – I can imagine the glass being even more fragile with temperature extremes, plus we don’t want snow flying in when they replace it!! Burrrrrr is right!!

  6. Congrats on your blogging milestone. Here’s to many more years. 🥂

    We lived in a neighborhood once in which some homes [not ours] had heating elements in their sidewalks so that the snow and ice never had a chance to accumulate. Thinking back on it I’ve no idea how that happened. Well, I’ll leave that to you Project Managers to figure it out and explain it here.

    1. Thank you, Ally – ditto to you on many more years of blogging fun!
      Wow – I can’t imagine the maintenance on heating elements in the sidewalk. But, I do like the idea of not having to shovel… I’m pretty sure that project isn’t on our to-do list for this year! ;-)!!!! Yeah…Project Manager’s – share your response with us – hint, hint!!!

  7. I’m sorry about the tape. I understand that feeling when good progress has to stop for a not fo good reason. I hope the weather holds for you guys.

    1. Thanks, Dan. You’ve had your share of stops and starts to Maddie’s porch. The weather paused long enough for a bit of progress. Hopefully today it will be completed. Mr.’s an optimistic that we’re gonna have a few more nice days to get more stuff done…is that a guy thing?

  8. Fascinating snow melting system you will have. I never heard of that! Oh yes I’ve gotten stuff damaged – so frustrating. The grossest one was an electric toothbrush that had obviously been used and then returned – to a Kohls. There was dried up toothpaste in it. Since then I open up boxes before I check out! Also – do you know the farmers? I’ll bet they have interesting stories to tell!
    Happy 3 years!!

    1. Yes, heat tape on the roof line is what we didn’t have last year – we thought after 4 years of not having problems, it was the new shingles doing the trick. Not the case – so back on the roof goes the heat tape.
      GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s horrible – yuck…double yuck…!
      No, we don’t know the farmers, my FIL does though. I bet they do have lots of stories to tell.
      Thank you for your encouragement – your comments bring me much joy – I’m glad we’ve crossed paths here in the blogosphere!

  9. Congrats on your three years. That’s an accomplishment! Love the new windows. Enjoy them in good health!
    Soring, Summer and Fall are my favorite seasons. I can’t just pick one. But guess which one I hate? LOL!

    1. Thank you Cindi! I thought of you when we were deciding on buying them…’What would Cindi say about this huge pre-retirement expense?’
      LOL – I don’t hate winter, but it is most definitely not my favorite.
      Thanks for stopping by – I need to get over to your blog and see what you’ve been up to! See you over there soon!!!!

      1. Hey Shelley. You two made the right decision putting in new windows NOW and not after retirement. Stay warm!

  10. Hopefully they’ve fixed your window by now? The winds have shifted, the warm and Summery weather that was so wonderfully pleasant this week has gone by the wayside – I hope not til next May, but we will see. I’m trying to think if I’ve had an experience like the cord and can’t recall but someone’s Quality Control is messed up, either at the manufacturer or the intake area of Customer Service if someone brought it back charred!

    1. No, the windows are all custom built, so it’s still being made I guess? I’m holding off on paying the bill until we get it. Yeah – when Mr. returned it to the store, the clerk said, “I’ve never seen this happen before?!” I hope they can get their money back from the company they bought it from.

      1. Just amazing – luckily the defect (if there was one) already happened and was evident and not something that would have caused any damage at your house when plugged in … very strange. We had a woman paint and paper our house and she took out the vacuum to vacuum up the mess after stripping the wallpaper off and plugged the vacuum cleaner in the socket in my room and it caught on fire. Don’t know what happened but it wouldn’t work and I had to take it in to be serviced.

        1. It’s hard to tell what it was, but there was no way of using it as is, so glad they took it back. Yikes – that’s scary!!!

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