Emptying the nest · Going Gray

Embracing the reality of imperfections

This is my year of embracing or modifying imperfections in my life.  Yeah, it's part of my MAD MAD MOM month, too, but seriously, if at 54 years of age I can't get past my imperfections, I'd be doomed. Doomed.  Doomed.  Doomed. Doomed like my unicorn horn and my barnacle are - gone forever, leaving… Continue reading Embracing the reality of imperfections


How spring nights warm my heart

This time of the year, I'm in awe to wake up and see what happens while I'm sleeping the night away. Seeing what wakes up with the sights and sounds of our little world, makes me happy. The fog begins to roll in as night gives way to the morning light.  Leaving a couple of… Continue reading How spring nights warm my heart

Adventures · Inspiration

Don’t strain your brain that hard

It's a strain on my brain when writer's block happens.  But it happens to the best of writers.  It's normal.  Period. Why is it that we try to strain our brain so hard? Sometimes we should just sit back and watch life happen.  Instead of curling back into ourselves, we should let the curious parts… Continue reading Don’t strain your brain that hard


Surprising scattered sniffs

As Mrs. wanders the yard to discover signs of spring, I can just tell that her heart bleeds with joy when her plants start to sprout up from the ground. She's clearly out of nature photography practice.  I hear the sounds of her camera clicking away.  And away...and away... She tries different scattered angles to… Continue reading Surprising scattered sniffs

Adventures · Inspiration

How to appreciate flowers in black & white

I'm a fan of black and white photography, really I am. But, I adore colors. I also adore flowers.  The more vibrant the better. I often wonder if flowers can look as appealing in black and white as they look to be in color?  I set out to see for myself.  My flower beds are… Continue reading How to appreciate flowers in black & white