
Surprising scattered sniffs

As Mrs. wanders the yard to discover signs of spring, I can just tell that her heart bleeds with joy when her plants start to sprout up from the ground.


She’s clearly out of nature photography practice.  I hear the sounds of her camera clicking away.  And away…and away…

She tries different scattered angles to get a shot she’s eventually somewhat happy with.


All I really care about is that I’m outside of the house and am in doggy sniffing heaven.

Sure, I get it, our early morning adventures are usually about a gorgeous sunrise to admire,


but I’m not looking up as much as I am looking down.  Looking for stuff.


I find an occasional singular bird feather to tickle the tip of my nose.  That pleases Mrs.

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And I check out the bottom area around the trees.  I pause to spray my ‘this is my yard spray’ on it.  You know, just in case something comes in the yard thinking they’d be able to take it over from me.


Silly wild animals.  Don’t they know they shouldn’t mess with me?

I can usually count on finding something interesting by the bird feeder.  I’m quite amazed at how messy birds can be.  Jeez…wasteful too.  But, I’m sure there are other smaller or larger animals that will come and eat what’s been haphazardly discarded during bird feeding frenzies.


Score…I was on to something big.  I smelled something…something not normally found in our yard.

Something big in comparison to bird seeds.  And typical sized rabbit nuggets.


Score…big time, score!


I don’t know what it is?  But it smelled way different from the peanuts and bird seed.  My nose was momentarily stuck here, sniffing at every angle.

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Until Mrs. discovered me.  She worries whenever I’m all engrossed in the ground.

She shoved me away, scooped me up in her arms, dashed across the yard, right back into the house and screamed for Mr.

“Come quick, you’ve gotta see what Copper found.”

We all went back out to the site to admire what my gifted nose found.  Me still safely in Mrs.’ arms.  We stood there together and stared at it.  I found a real treat, I guess.

Apparently, though, it’s not a good thing for us to find bear scat?

Out came the deer cam.  Hidden on one of the trees…


And now we wait.  Was it just a single date with our bird feeders in our yard, or will the bear return?

Post Inspiration – A-Z Blogging Challenge – S

PS – What’s the strangest visitor you’ve had in your yard?  Which photo do you like the best?  Do you feel rusty taking photos when you first venture out in the warmer weather?  We did confirm it is bear scat.  They hibernate about a mile and a half from our house.  

22 thoughts on “Surprising scattered sniffs

  1. What an exciting thing fore Cooper to find. Do post pictures when you get them. Love things are finally greening up. Yes, yesterday I couldn’t stand it and went flower shopping – spent way too much money knowing this was only the 1st round. Will post picture after work. Have a great day.

    1. Yes, it was exciting. If we get anything exciting on the deer cam, I’ll for sure post the photos. Yay – glad you got out to buy flowers. I have to wait for a while before I go shopping for flowers. Hope you have a great day – I’ll stop by to see what you share on your blog!!

  2. The strangest visitor to my yard to date was a young buck that saw its reflection in my storm door and felt the need to challenge it for dominance. It was a peaceful Sunday morning several years ago. I had stayed home to enjoy some quiet reading time while the family went to church. I was sitting in my recliner 5 feet from my front door when I heard the crash. It just about scared me out of my skin. After I peeled myself off the ceiling, I ran and threw open the front door to see a young buck staggering off down the street and a large smear of mucus & slobber on my storm door, which was hanging loose in its frame.

    My favorite pic is the one in which Copper is stepping off the sidewalk into the grass just past the gravel patch.

    I’m not an accomplished photographer, but I snap pics on my smart phone frequently. So I never feel rusty but always feel unskilled.

    1. Wow – Denny, that is a strange visitor – I love your detailed description of the encounter! I’m still smiling after reading it. Thank you so much for stopping by to share your witty thoughts. Just this past weekend, I was wondering about you! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Take care!

        1. You deserve rest and recovery time after what you put up with at work! Our quiet life has little to compare to the adventures you find in court!

  3. Wow, bears! That’s a bit scary to me. Good luck with the camera. I just recently learned the name of those bleeding heart flowers and it is so fitting. Great pictures.

    1. Yes, it is scary, especially when the bears are hungry and looking for food. I love bleeding hearts – they are always the first flowers in my garden to bloom. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos, too!

  4. Such fun to catch the first glimpses of nature in the Spring. But…ew…bear poop. Yuk. Your yard is a popular spot for the animal kingdom. I never had unusual visitors when we lived in our house…Yogi and BooBoo stayed far away. Perhaps Rocky the flying squirrel…and Alvin the chipmunk. And the rest of their families. They showed up quite often.

    1. LOL – I know, but if the poop fits the post, use it right?! We do have quite the nature draw. It’s been busy since the loggers have been chopping down trees. The animals are looking for quieter space in our yard.

  5. It is good to check out the yard and see the new growth – I looked in m backyard, nothing is green yet and hopefully one day I’ll look and see lilac buds – the rest of the neighborhood is coming to life and I’ll do a post on that later in the week – I did 8 posts in 9 days (yes, one was a one-liner, but too many and it put me behind). I love the flowering trees – they were out today, but the magnolias are on the cusp of opening – tomorrow will be rainy, so maybe Wednesday so Thursday will be glorious. I laughed at Copper sayig: “I pause to spray my ‘this is my yard spray’ on it. You know, just in case something comes in the yard thinking they’d be able to take it over from me.” Be careful of you guys and Copper and bears. Yikes!

    1. Yay – I look forward to reading your posts! I’m so anxious for things to pop up here, but I know that we could still get snow, and frost, so I need to be patient. Copper is the king of our yard – so he believes anyhow. We’re being careful. Most of the wildlife only come by at night while we’re sleeping.

      1. I think I’ll do it for Wednesday or Thursday. I have the pics done and it will be just a short narrative. We have coyotes in the northern suburbs which are more rural, and not only that, they often are unfenced homes. I don’t know if people use electric fences or not. The other day a homeowner opened the back door to find a coyote looking right at them.

        1. Yay! I can’t wait to read it. Yikes…that would be scary…I hear the coyote’s howling, but haven’t seen them yet. I wouldn’t want to look one in the eyes…!!!

          1. I was walking down the street last October and one ran past me. This was not at the Park, it was a residential neighborhood where I was taking pictures of Halloween decorations for my next post. I wish you could have seen the look on my face.

  6. Yikes Shelley! So I guess the bears are just coming out of hibernation and looking for food?? Great photos but I hope the bears keep their distance! As for the most interesting “visitor” I’ve ever had in my yard, it was a donkey. Yep, came home from the grocery store one day to find a donkey in my front yard! Silly me got out of my car to try to approach him and learned just how fast this old woman can run when he took up chase. I outran him thank goodness!! Went in the house and came back out with apples and carrots and “Donald” the donkey decided I wasn’t so bad after all. The funny thing is that my nextdoor neighbor called the sheriff’s office to inquire as to what we should do (we live in a small town) and they were there in 10 minutes flat (took them over 30 minutes to get to our house years earlier when someone was trying to break in my back door in the middle of the night)! The sheriff ended up knowing this donkey and where he lived! We had a good laugh over that! He lived two streets over and had escaped out of his pen. They drove to the owner’s home and she came back with a halter and lead and retrieved sweet Donald. I used to hear him braying from time to time but no longer hear him.

    1. Yes, the bears are coming out of hibernation. Our neighbor down the road from us watches them when they crawl in their sleeping spot and he sees them when they wake up. I can’t imagine them being so close. Apparently they will travel up to a 2 miles from their resting spots to find food. Wow – that’s funny about Donald. Good thing you were smart to get some food to chill him. That’s a hoot that the police (well…maybe not) showed up so fast. I swear sometimes that they just look forward to fun tasks versus domestic squabbles or shoot outs. Glad Donald made it back safe and sound. Thank you for sharing your story, I appreciated hearing it!

      1. Well, at least we know now how to get the police here fast! Just tell them there’s a donkey in our yard!! LOL!

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