Adventures · Emptying the nest

An empty nest time traveler

I'm an empty nest time traveler.  Yessiree, I am.  I can flash through memories in a heartbeat, and be transported back to moments in time that tug damn hard on my heartstrings. Other times, it isn't such a conscious effort.  Often times it happens while I'm trying to sleep. I can go from one space… Continue reading An empty nest time traveler


Surprising scattered sniffs

As Mrs. wanders the yard to discover signs of spring, I can just tell that her heart bleeds with joy when her plants start to sprout up from the ground. She's clearly out of nature photography practice.  I hear the sounds of her camera clicking away.  And away...and away... She tries different scattered angles to… Continue reading Surprising scattered sniffs

Adventures · Inspiration

How red moments changed my life

Have you ever wondered if it would take a bright red-stop-light-major-life-changing moment to make you change and give up the life you have?  What does it take for you to pause to notice the world around you? Like the deer on the horizon, and the moon going into its hiding for the day as the… Continue reading How red moments changed my life

Adventures · Inspiration

Why I chose Quaint for my blog title

Well, well, we are on the letter Q.  Believe it or not, I was stymied for a bit while trying to figure out what to write for that letter. Ugh...and then I remembered, DUH...Quaint.'s amazing how our human minds rush right over the things that are right in front of our faces. So… Continue reading Why I chose Quaint for my blog title

Adventures · Inspiration

Personal Blogging – The Ups and Downs

As a personal blogger, it feels like every day I'm swooping in and out of feeling the highs and lows of a being a writer.  It can feel awesome the days when I connect with others, receive comments and likes, and then there are the other days.  The days I feel incredible loss when I… Continue reading Personal Blogging – The Ups and Downs

Adventures · Inspiration

Okay, well, that was easy!

As a blogger, when things don't go my way, and the blogging platform I'm using seems to be doing its own thing, aka, not minding my 'but all I did was tried to run the update' clicks - it is a great feeling to finally have everything running all 'okay' again. The Happiness Engineer did… Continue reading Okay, well, that was easy!