Adventures · Inspiration

Moon kisses for my daughter

The full moon fascinates me.  As I type, I can see it out the corner of my eye, through the window, shining all cheery and bright as it begs for the sun to rise in the east so it can rest in the west.

With my naked eye, even through the window pane, I can see the details of the moon, it isn’t just a solid white ball.  I’ve yet to get a great picture of the moon with those details.

I wish I may, I wish I might…get a great picture of the moon some night.  – Me, on the day I have a new camera or lens that works to capture a photo.

Whenever there is a full moon, I know that my oldest daughter, Rachel, is admiring it too.  She loves the moon.  She’s somewhere spelling it out loud like she did when she was little.  Each letter, one at a time.  I love the memories I have of hearing her say it for the first time.


Last night, as I was considering retiring early so that I could continue with the cute little book I’m reading…


I glanced out the front window and saw the moon.  It was beginning its rise in the sky to light up the night.  I thought about all the creatures that come out in the night to enjoy the light of the moon.  Not just snails, but bunnies and deer with white tails that dance in the beams of light.  While I’m sleeping, they are exploring the nightly world.

I couldn’t resist the temptation, so I grabbed my camera and ran outside to try again to catch a photo or two (or more…).

I took a shot of the moon sitting on the wire.

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It took my breath away as I got absorbed at the moment of trying to steady my arms so that I could catch a shot.  I sat down, propped my arms on my knees and I saw the view change as the moon dropped under the wire.  I even caught a car whiz by.

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I realized (remembered) I had my zoom lens on…duh, silly Shelley, zoom in!

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I caught another car, this time I saw it coming with the light on the weeds.  Moments in life sure fly by even when we’re paying attention to them.  So many days, I watched our daughters drive out of this driveway into the night to have fun with friends.  That was before they enjoyed quiet moments sitting with us watching the moon.  I miss having our kids around to sit and watch the moon with me.

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I’ve never seen a moon in the sky that, if it didn’t take my breath away, at least misplaced it for a moment. – Colin Farrell

The view and the surreal speed of life as it whizzes by had me momentarily hanging on a wire.  Hang on, girl, life just keeps on a moving.

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I sighed as it got too dark to catch any more shots.  I stood up and smiled as I took one more glance at the moon.  I blew a kiss to it for my daughter, I hope she felt it on her cheek wherever she was…all I know is that she was smiling at the moon, too.

Post inspiration – Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Things people drive and Ryan Photography – Mid Week Monochrome MWM #8 

PS – What objects in nature do you adore yet you have a hard time getting a photo of what details you see with the naked eye?  Do you like to watch the moon too?   


32 thoughts on “Moon kisses for my daughter

  1. Too cute! Yes, I was spelling it and enjoying the moon at it’s brightest❤️ I love you to the moon and back 🌒

  2. I am a moon watcher as well. I make a dream board for each one of them so that the Universe knows what I want and then as I take a picture of it, I am thinking of those things. I have been lucky to get some really cool shots. Tonight is the actual full moon here so I’m ready!

    1. That’s an awesome idea! Yes, tonight’s the full moon here, too – I was a day early, just in case it is overcast ;-)! I hope you share photos on your blog!!

  3. What a beautiful post! I used to look up at the early morning sky in the winter and seethe constellation Orion. I would always say “Orion” out loud as “Oh, Ryan”, the name of my oldest son and think of him. He was a world traveler when he was in his 20s, and I, of course, worried about him. Now he is settled in CO. We just visited him and his family, and watched the Orionid meteor shower.

    1. Thank you! Aw, that’s so heart-warming – our love for our kids is so out of this world eh? Glad you have the Orion connection still with your Ryan!

  4. Wonderful thoughts that can keep you and your daughter close even though you are miles away. Great shots. There is something about a full moon with me and mine as well. God’s night light.

  5. Amazing photos, we were clouded last night so I missed this amazing moon.
    Thank you for the beautiful soul writing and the amazing photos x

  6. These are fantastic shots of the magical moon and words to tug on my maternal hearth strings. I’m reminded of many things including that song from the animated movie, An American Tale that came out when my children were still children.. I’m not sure I watched the whole movie but I know I loved that song.

    1. Oh, my, yes, JoAnna – that’s a perfect scene to reflect on the moon and our loved ones! Your heartstrings are tugged in all directions – your current life, your empty nest life, and going through your parent’s belongings. While some moments may be overwhelming, there is plenty of writing material, eh? 😉 Thank you for sharing your feedback, I so appreciate hearing it!

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