
Mini Monday Madness

I struggled to get the darn SD card out of my camera.  Come to think of it, when I put it in the slot, it didn’t seem to go in as smoothly as normal.

I pop it in and out of my camera a lot over the course of a week.  At least twice daily, depending upon how many photos I’ve taken.

My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration:  set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual. – Phyllis Diller

Last night, as dinner was being served, I raced upstairs popped the SD card out of my computer and quickly jammed it into my camera.  Ran back downstairs and sat down as Mr. presented my plate.

I didn’t want to miss out on a photo of his creation.  It was a heavenly presentation – check out my Instagram photo for proof.

After I took the shots, I reviewed to make sure they were on the card.  Then set my camera aside and dug into dinner.  They were the last photos I took for the night.

This morning, I knew I wanted to see how good the photos turned out, so I attempted to do my normal routine – push on the card – then it pops out motion.

It didn’t move…I had to tug it out.

Oh, dear…that can’t be good.

I plugged it into my computer and the card doesn’t show up in the folder list.


I feel like the sighing face I see in the icicle.  Do you see it in the middle upper third of the icicle, too?


Mr. came to my office and saw my sad face and asked what happened.  I handed him the card and told him what I’d discovered so far.  He said, he’s seen worse and was still able to get photos off of the card.

I handed it to him…to fix my dilemma…now I wait.

When a woman is frustrated, and it’s your wife, you as the husband get that frustration. – Magic Johnson

Meanwhile, I’m throwing a serious mini-fit of madness…all my photos…from winter…of the pets…on a damaged card…that I can’t see now…what am I going to do…?

Needing to have things perfect is the surest way to immobilize yourself with frustration. – Wayne Dyer

‘Cuz unless Mr. is able to figure out how to read a broken edged SD card and download all of my photos…that means you’re gonna just have to believe me that the photo of dinner turned out as one of the best foodies photos ever.

Stay tuned…

Post Inspiration – #MiniMondayMadness where I share a shorter than most for me post (under 500 words) and just one or two photos.  Can I do it?


PS – Have you ever had your SD card break?!  I just love that ice photo and the drip of water, how about you?!  Happy Monday!

18 thoughts on “Mini Monday Madness

  1. Those SD cards suck. I’ve had them literally fall apart, and not long ago the card in my Nikon just flat out died. I tried to reformat it but it said I’m dead. They aren’t cheap either!

  2. I worry about the SD Cards, as I have it in and out a lot, too. I never erase them though, I replace them as they approach getting full and consider them to be my worst-case-scenario backup. I hope hubs can rescue your photos. If not, I believe you about dinner.

    1. Yes, they aren’t very durable. He was able to get to the photos, and he bought me a new one, so I’m a happy camper :-)!

  3. I haven’t had it break, but I use a reader and sometimes I’ll plug it in the USB port and nothing happens – nothing opens up on my screen. I take the card in and out a few times and it doesn’t work. I bought another reader as I figure it’ll break one day – maybe it gets worn out like when you strip a scr*w and it doesn’t hold anymore. Are you taking the DSLR on vacation with you or do you use a smartphone to avoid carrying the big camera?

    1. I’ve had a lot of cards, and this is the first one that broke. But I did drop it a few days before it officially broke. Yes, I’m taking the DSLR. I’d feel lost without it. I also have a point and shoot digital camera that I use for when I don’t want to carry my big one. I’m leaving my phone behind, it’s an unplugged from social media, texting, and calls kind of vacation!

      1. Yes, the point and shoot digital camera is nice to ask people to take pictures of you and Mr. because using the other one, not everyone is comfortable with it – maybe you aren’t either. I really think twice about asking people to be honest – guess I should be more trusting. Good that you are unplugging – I missed unplugging for “National Unplug Day” on Sunday.

        1. That’s very true about the point and shoot cameras. We’re traveling with our kids and their significant others, so hopefully they will take shots of us with both cameras. It depends on where we’re at if we have someone else take the camera for a photo or not. I get it, it takes trust. I missed unplug Sunday too.

          1. Oh that’s great – thought it was just the two of you. Well no worries then – and it’s not all about trust, sometimes you hand someone a camera and even with the easiest Kodak pocket cameras back in the day, you get home and see your head is missing or the shot is way off … I always took shots of the scenery “just in case”.

          2. Yeah, we told the kids this is the last time we’re treating for a trip! Good points about not being sure they can frame the photos and way to think ahead about scenery. You always get me thinking about what to do better! Thank you for that!

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