Adventures · Going Gray · Inspiration

How do you know you’re an introvert photographer?

Well, if you’re like me, know you are when you spend an hour going through your photos and find only one or two photos of crowds.

Apparently, I’m kind of chicken when it comes to photographing crowds.


I’m an introvert, yes, I am…and I went through the going grey journey, cold turkey-like, and have very few photos of me in public during the process.  I had to go, and I forced myself to do presentations, in front of people (‘cuz that’s what I do for work), but I don’t enjoy looking back at the photos.  It’s kind of scary…


Here’s our trip to Chicago on St. Patrick’s Day weekend – to prove I did go out in public.


Chicago is where you can find lots of people, lots of ways to fit in, and I frankly felt okay walking around that day.  No one stopped me to say, “Ewe…girl, whatcha thinking?…there are salons everywhere…go on and head into one of them and save that hair!”


Meanwhile, I continued on my journey (solo) while my youngest graduated from a school in Chicago and moved back home, and my oldest discovered she loves a crowd and did her first Ragnar…


and I cut off my colored hair and made the process of going gray easier for ME.  Yay ME!


All I know for sure is the crowd I love to hang out with (minus our relocated kids) is right in front of me.

All I have to do is just step out on my deck to hang out with my favorite kind of crowd.


#31SRW 31 Day Photography Challenge:  Crowd (Rules Here).

PS – How about you?  Are you a crowd fan?  Share your favorite crowd adventure story!  OR if you’re like me, an introvert, where do you and your crowd like to hang out?  

For those participating, share a link or a pingback to this post so I can check out your crowd photos!  And, if you’re into critiquing, share away – feedback helps us all grow!

Rate Photos with Stars*

1 * A photo of the object

2 * A silhouette of an object

3 * A reflective silhouette

4 * A creative story along with a reflective silhouette

5 * All of above in color and add a photo of it in black & white

8 thoughts on “How do you know you’re an introvert photographer?

  1. I am NOT a crowd person, mostly being that I would rather hang out with animals or nature which don’t stress me out! It’s RARE that it happens, but at a gathering, I’m always the girl sitting in the corner, observing everyone else. It may sound horrible, but when I take Aurora to the park and we’re the only ones there, I get excited…no other humans to awkwardly interact with. Plus, who DOESN’T like having a park to themselves?!

    1. Me, too! Been there done that with my kids, too – it was rare to have the park to ourselves, ever, but we’d find ways to have fun no matter where we went, still do! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  2. This morning when I got up, as I walked toward the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee, as I passed by the sliding glass doors, I spotted two grown wild turkeys in the backyard and at least 8 little babies scuttering around them. It was awesome! In addition to the deer, the raccoons, the frogs, squirrels, skunks, coyotes, chipmonks, and yes, sometimes snakes, and the abundance of all the birdies that come to see me, I have no reason to leave my property and all my ‘friends’. I’ve even set up separate homes for them:
    I’m an introvert. You will rarely find a photo of me. And even rarer of crowds. Hubby is the same way as me. The other day we wanted to swim in a local lake but when hubby saw how crowded the parking lot was, he got palpitations! LOL!

    1. LOL – You and me, we’re kindred spirits, I’m sure of it!! And our hubbies too! Great shots on your blog – I love your photos!!

  3. While I rarely sought crowds out, they never bothered in my youth. As I age, though, I am less and less comfortable in a crowd. I prefer more intimate settings with small groups of family or good friends.

    1. Excellent take on Crowd prompt – very creative and I agree, what a waste of good money ;-)! Thanks for playing along!

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