
Cherishing little moments of joy

No matter how small we can feel


in this tangled up world,

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my heart is as exuberant as Copper’s is about the simple pleasures in life.  We both politely wait for the next moment of joy to arrive.

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My life with my two main men is never dull, often very simple, and incredibly cozy comfortable too.

Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet.  We all breathe the same air.  We all cherish our children’s future.  And we are all mortal. – John F. Kennedy

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I often pause and quiet out thoughts crowded in my brain about fears of us growing older.  All of us in our own little ways.  One guy a little faster than the rest of us.  I know that each precious moment shared is a reason to cherish the joy we feel when we’re together.

Post Inspiration:  Ann-Christine for Lens-Artists #112 – Pick a Word (from the following list, or use all:  Comfortable, Growing, Tangled, Crowded, Exuberant)  Did I cover all of them??

PS – Have you ever seen a Black-Eyed Susan with three buds and a new sprout of petals on the top?  Isn’t a sleeping dog adorable?  How about the begging dog? What brings you joy today?   


27 thoughts on “Cherishing little moments of joy

  1. Lovely sentiment this week Shelley. I know just what you mean about needing to quiet thoughts of our mortality – even more so those of our loved ones. You look to be in very good company 🙂

    1. Thank you, Tina. I’m blessed.
      PS – your take on the prompt is so impressive. I love that you caught such great shots. I’m inspired and can’t wait to experiment more once the ‘big project’ is done. LOL!

    1. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the BES! I love watching butterflies too, along with the yellow finches, they sure do enjoy the BES!

    1. Thanks, Brian! Once I get done with our big project, I hope I’ll be able to join in on your last photo of the month challenges! 😉

  2. These are lovely choices for the prompt words. Comfortable is perfect 🙂 I don’t think I’ve paid that close attention to black eyed susans, but now I will check! We all need to do what we need to do – to quiet those growing older fears. I totally get that. Grabbing and cherishing moments, that’s what we do.

  3. At first glance, I wasn’t even sure it was a Black-Eyed Susan – gorgeous how close-up it is and the colorful flower garden is a real treat to see as well. What was Mister eating that Copper wanted? I liked seeing a sleepy-looking Copper in his dog bed. He looked pretty comfy there! That was a powerful quote by JFK. Well, what brought me joy today was not a begging dog, but begging squirrels. Today they were out in full force on the path, likely since it was just a stellar day, after all this miserable heat and humidity – it felt like a breath of fresh air. But, since we got four inches of rain last Friday, though I was tempted to go on a long trek at a big park, I figured they would likely be flooded, so I went to Council Point Park (which never floods as the Creek sits very low and below the path) and took Nutter Butters for the squirrels. They were ecstatic and I captured some smiles (although it might have been the peanut butter caught on the roof of their mouths). 🙂

    1. Yes, it’s a unique bud, that’s for sure.
      Mr. was eating a cheese slice with some salami (Copper loves cheese and meat). Copper sure knows how to make his presence known and how to get comfy in his bed.
      Sounds like you had a great time too! I look forward to seeing your posts about the adventures.

      1. I watched a funny clip yesterday of a polite dog watching his master eating meat with a knife and fork. The big dog did not bark or do anything except stare at its owner and then put a paw on his arm with pleading eyes. The human begrudgingly gave him a small piece of meat, so he placed his paw on the arm again, but no meat this time. The dog’s face was very deadpan. I did have fun and have been going through pictures today to begin sorting them out. I will never go one month without looking at pictures again.

        1. That description applies to Dessy just as much as Copper. Copper doesn’t reach up with his paw, Dessy does. Pets do know how to manipulate their humans.
          I’m with you on trying to catch up and maybe deciding not to though. A month off is a long time!

  4. Copper is so cute and a character. Those flowers are so beautiful in the sunshine aren’t they.Is that the little tea house so cute.X

  5. Copper is absolutely adorable! Ours are big time beggars. Even the lab, who never used to do it at all, has learned big eyes/head tilt tricks from the golden. Sometimes I wonder if they work on that stuff while I’m in the shower. 😆

    1. Thank you, Copper loves the kudos. Yes, Goldens are gifted at teaching the beggar mode. That’s where Copper learned it from too. LOL, I bet they do work on it when you’re sleeping too!

  6. The Black-eyed Susan is amazing. I rather like it. I want to grow them here, but they don’t thrive in our yard. Therefore whenever I see them elsewhere they give me joy.

    1. It’s so weird … I could’ve sworn that I replied to your comment, but I can’t find it? Glad you liked the photo. The BES flowers I have a very resilient and compete well with the daisies, I bet you’d find them easy to grow.

      1. I’ve had the same thing happen to me with the comments. Thanks for taking the time to reply twice [?]. I’m always on the lookout for easy to grow flowers!

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