
A quartet’s walk on water

Despite the relentless chill in the air this winter, we’re happy it is tapering off.  We’re excited to see melting water appear in our temporary lakefront property.  And we’re thankful to see a daily quartet of deer crazy enough to walk on (and through) it.

The warm sun dances across the sky by day.

Gusty winds of March float vapors of melt-off away.


As the sun sets at night, the chilled air in the sky reveal colors that glow.

And the melting snow slows.


Each day passes by, and remnants of the fields’ harvest last fall begin to appear.

The birds are singing songs signaling April is near.


The deer meander near.

No, silly, not to swim, but to take a slow walk on the water without fear.


Signs of frost rise to the surface,

bring a smile on this gal’s face.

Post Inspiration:  Linda Hill’s One-Liner Wednesday:  Chilly Day for a Swim

Happy Wednesday All!


6 thoughts on “A quartet’s walk on water

  1. This makes me wonder if there’s something really good out there that deer are fond of, or does their extra deer sense tell them it’s safe.

    1. I think it may be a bit of both – they were particularly fond of the soybeans last fall, and they feel safe nesting in the woods nearby. We’re looking forward to seeing their babies being born again this spring.

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