
A heart fragile as glass

There are days when the way the world works makes no sense to me.

My heart feels fragile like glass.


On an island, I stand in awe of the side that stalls the inevitable.


My mind blurs.


My heart wants to cry as I muffle my voice that wants to scream…


I let my fragile heart murmur until it rests,

and I settle in,

fighting my pithy thoughts as they stream…


I calm myself,

confident, yes I am,

there will come the day

when the world makes sense to me.

Post inspiration – Cee’s Black and White Challenge – Glass; Word of the Day – Pithy

PS – What do you do when you’re stuck in a bad mood?  What is your favorite way to calm a fragile heart?  



18 thoughts on “A heart fragile as glass

  1. Mimi is my cure. A dogs love knows no bounds on those raining days inside and out. And a good book. I am finding in my retirement that daytime TV is worse than originally thought so I turn to artistic modes. Adult coloring are fun as well. Pull on a brave face – the sun will shine again soon.

    1. Aw, thank you, Anita, much appreciated. I agree with you, yes dogs are great for healing! I’m heading into the sunny side of this bad mood!! Your encouragement helps, thank you!

  2. I talk to a friend and we vent. Or just talk (and walk – even if inside). It really helps. Changes the direction of the mind to a better place.
    Or I’ll play “The Best of Motown” CD and turn up the volume.
    Great photos, Shelley. They certainly reflect the mood.

    1. Aw, thank you, those are great suggestions. 🙂 Best of Motown – love those songs!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and encouragement!

  3. We talk about a fragile heart at our house. When brother wants to be naughty and scare sister with heart problem, we remind him of her condition. Sometimes he’ll still jump out of nowhere and she cries saying that he cracked her heart.
    Lovely poem and pictures!!

    1. LOL – aw, now that story breaks my mood for sure – I can just see them smiling, LOVE IT! Thank you so much for sharing your encouragement!

      1. My pleasure…I always enjoy reading and seeing your photos. Gives me a different perspective on how to view things.
        Happy to hear it broke your mood…having little guys is a lot of work but the things they do and say bring lots of laughs!!
        Have a great weekend!!

        1. Aw, thank you, glad you enjoy stopping by my blog! Yes, I’m happy I broke that mood too! I had two little girls and they took up a lot of energy, I can only imagine the energy you have taking care of your two little ones. Who are adorable by the way! All of your smiles in photos make me smile! Hope you all have a great weekend too!

          1. Thank you for your sweet reply! Happy to help in brightening your mood.
            Kids are sweet and cute but they take a lot of work to raise. Thank goodness for their smiles…momentarily I forget my exhaustion.

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