Adventures · Cheers

An empty nester’s stand-alone turkey

I wasn't born yet but been told as people sat around their televisions, watching the parade, their joy, happiness, and pride of what they saw, ended abruptly.  Back in 1963, on November 22, families in their nests around the United States were in shock.  Their beloved President had been assassinated. The sudden empty nest feeling of… Continue reading An empty nester’s stand-alone turkey


A glamorous side of sludge

Some mornings I long to start the day on the glamorous side of sludge. Then reality sets in. I grab my cup of coffee, heat it in the microwave while opening up the Greenies bag.  I toss one out on the floor just in time for Copper as he rounds the corner.  Step one done.… Continue reading A glamorous side of sludge


A fastidious mouse

If I were a small mouse. Looking to build a winter's house. To place my treasures galore. Of course, I'd choose a corner nook of a human's front door. Okay, maybe rhyme writing isn't a certain gift of mine...but there's a noteworthy short story here.  Really, there is. Yesterday, we discovered we have one particular mouse… Continue reading A fastidious mouse

Adventures · Cheers

A tenantable revival

As landlords, my husband and I have discovered over the years there are a wide variety of atmospheric conditions left when renters term their leases. We absolutely love it when they leave the place as nice, if not better from when they first moved in. When the place is left with just some routine clean-up,… Continue reading A tenantable revival


The exploding mushroom

We've all been there, we can't deny it.  Well, unless you're perfect, in which case, do share your tips on how to avoid this common problem. What problem? I'm talking about when we let our procrastination mushroom to the point of almost exploding before we finally take action. When we avoid doing what we know… Continue reading The exploding mushroom


In color or black & white, your collections should make you smile!

Collections are droll to other people gazing upon them, that is unless they are a collector too.  Collectors tend to pause and celebrate when they see something that makes them smile. In my kitchen, I have a simple little apple collection.  I've gathered them myself or received as gifts over the years.  You know, the usual way collections happen.… Continue reading In color or black & white, your collections should make you smile!