
Blades of serenity

I've always admired the simple beauty of pampas grass blowing in the wind. I find it serene to watch as it bends gracefully with each gust of the wind. At the same time, it stays strong. Bouncing back to an upright position without breaking. There is not one blade of grass, there is no color… Continue reading Blades of serenity


Bonds that knit cats & humans together

Our two cats are littermates.  We adopted them from the Humane Association when they were tiny little kittens who had lost their mom. They were the last two kittens left after all their other mates were chosen.  The people who were their foster parents didn't want to them to be adopted without each other. When… Continue reading Bonds that knit cats & humans together

Emptying the nest

The eight little drummers who didn’t make the cut

When I was growing up, one of my favorite Christmas songs was "The Little Drummer Boy."  Come to think of it, it is still one.  I love song lyrics I can remember and sing along with. is one of those songs that can give me an earworm in a hurry. Sing it with me… Continue reading The eight little drummers who didn’t make the cut


An underdog to the gnats

Apparently, while I was putting my best foot forward during Black Friday/Shop Local Saturday shopping, (15,000 miles on my shoes, burning off calories), there has been some serious competition going on in my home office. Those damn plant gnats living in my office plants have hatched yet again.  Swirling around my computer monitor - flitting around… Continue reading An underdog to the gnats


Don’t let gremlins clutch your holiday shopping

As I walked along with a strong clutch to each shopping bag, my emotions (probably some fatigue) bounced around in my head.  I cursed myself for carrying a big purse instead of a smaller one. But, I was thankful and pleasantly surprised.  It wasn't a stressful day at all. It seemed weird, isn't Black Friday… Continue reading Don’t let gremlins clutch your holiday shopping

Adventures · Going Gray

Oh, mercy, you’ve let your hair go gray!?

As I was eating my popcorn and wondering what the heck I could write about for transformation prompt, my mind wandered.  As it often does. Nibble, nibble, nibble, dip in to get extra salt...I should really watch my salt intake (someday).  Yum...this is really tasty. Wait, an idea popped into my head...popcorn...yes...transformation from kernel to… Continue reading Oh, mercy, you’ve let your hair go gray!?