
An oddball and some tissue paper

Dessy is a model cat – she poses no matter what I catch her doing.  She’s obsessed with paper.  And olives.  And my husband.  She’s a quirky cat.

We’re hopeless since we discovered both cats are in love with the tissue paper from Christmas.  As perfect (as we can be) cat owners, we’ve left pieces on the floor to occupy the cats.  We’re really not lazy, no, not at all, so please don’t call the housekeeping police on us!

Both cats are so cute while they’re playing with the paper.  Sometimes if I run fast enough to grab my camera, I can catch them in action.

If I rush too much and scare them off, or if I don’t get the right angle, I end up taking tons of horrible pictures.  Oh well, live an learn.

But, Dessy is patient, she’s one to just hang out until I’m done taking photos.  What a ham, don’t ya agree?


In order to get a “better” picture, I lay on the ground.  She gets more interested in sticking around when a human is down at her level.  I get to click away.

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Eventually, I get something I like.  She is such a pretty kitty when she poses.  Even her paws…what the heck?  She’s an oddball that’s for sure!


Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge


10 thoughts on “An oddball and some tissue paper

  1. As a truthful cat person, I can tell you that ‘s one of the sweetest cat faces I’ve ever seen. One of mine used to duck into plastic bags and parade slowly around with the bag flying from her back like a sail while I dissolved in laughter. I watched her like a hawk, and indeed once the bag was so tight around her stomach I had to cut her out! My 3 cats — they were loved.

    1. Thank you, Dessy loves compliments! OH, my gosh, our Tizzie does that too! She’ll run like crazy away from the bag while it is attached to her. We have to corner her to rescue her from the bag! We laugh a lot too! I can imagine your cats were spoiled with love!! 😉

  2. I love, love, love the first photo of Dessy. Awesome photograph and Dessy is truly adorable. My kids aren’t into tissue paper, but Gibbs loves crinkly plastic…so much so that I have to keep it away from him. He chews it and I worry that he’ll eat it. I think he has crinkly plastic pica or something similar because it’s not like I don’t feed him. Right?

    1. Thank you, Mary! It is fun to catch unique moments. There’s a term for cat’s obsession with plastic? Both of our cats have that too. Dessy more than Tizzie. She chews on plastic bags, shower curtains, you name it, she has to put her teeth marks on it! You’ve seen her, she’s far from unfed! 😉

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