Adventures · Welcome

A gardening revival

Today, I woke refreshed but achy.  It’s a beautiful morning.  The sun is shining and the neighbor is already working.  I’ll blur that thought out of my mind.  Instead, it’s better to enjoy the fact I can capture tiny dew drops on the grass.  Oh, my, I’ve missed seeing them over the winter months.  Welcome back spring!

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I digress when I get distracted…where was I?  Oh, yes, achy and sore…I’m not sore from sleeping on our heavenly mattress, but sore from working on my hands and knees in the garden yesterday.  While weeding my garden beds on the north side of the yard I discovered that “Holy crap – my little pink knee pad helped, but, whoa baby, I’m feeling my 53 years of age today.”

Why do I have gardens in the first place?  Oh yeah, I remember now, it was my idea.

Twenty-seven years ago, being new to marriage with homeownership, and a fresh concept of a “honey-to-do-list”, I enthusiastically shared with my aim-to-please-husband that I had ideas on what to do around the yard.

Me:  “I want gardens on the side of the garage.”

Mr:  “What are you going to plant in them?”

Me:  “I don’t know, it’s what people do, though.  So…can you make me three of them, with rocks in between?”

Mr:  “Sure, sounds like you’ll need my help.”

And, there you have it, my first landscaping wish list was a success.  Every year since I have the blessed opportunity to revive and weed the blasted gardens.  This year with little rain since the astonishing foot of snow two weeks earlier, the perennials and irises are starting to pop up to greet the sun.


Thankfully with the lack of rain, the weeds haven’t started to flourish yet, but they are beginning to grow.  Stubborn weeds that I neglected to pull from last year held on strong throughout the winter.

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Enter in tools of the trade…knees not pictured.  By the end of the row, they gave the pink knee pad a run for the winner of the garden style of the day.

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As I got into the task though, it was therapeutic and rewarding.  I moved methodically through each flower bed.

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Why…oh, why…did I not tend to these gardens last fall?  Oh, yeah, I got busy with life and frankly, I didn’t feel like it.  So how’s that working out for me now?  A bit of anger bubbles up each year when I see what I neglected.  My bad mood withered as I got to work releasing the plants who hung on for another year.  They’re anxious to bloom again, and I love freeing them from the winter cover.

In between the flower beds are concrete shapes the kids made years ago.  Each one designed their own.  I love how unique they are.  We didn’t know what to do with them when we brought them home, so we found a spot for them in our garden beds.  I smiled as I crawled past each one on my way to the next flower bed needing attention.

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I remember each girl’s proud smile they had on their adorable little face while they created them.  Carefully choosing the decorations representing the design of their choice. When we placed the final products prominently on display in the garden, the girls smiled, too, just like me now.  I smiled again.  I remember fondly of how their creative bursts came easily to them back then.  They are still both very creative, I can’t help but think it has to do with our support of their endeavors over the years.

I forged on to the last bed.  When I got to the end of the row, I grabbed the camera to record my monumental efforts.


I glanced over and saw ‘Mr.’ working hard on his project of the day.  He saw me, and the perfect opportunity arose.

Mr:  “Whatcha doing with the camera?”

Me:  “Recording my efforts.”

Mr:  “Oh, yeah, of course, for your blog, too, right?  That’s nice…”

Me:  “Yeah, yeah, yeah…by the way, it looks like I’m gonna need some black dirt, these roots are hanging on by the roots of each other, a lot of dirt has washed away.”

Mr:  “You’re not adding to my list today, are you?  I have plans already.”

Me:  “No, no, no, I’ve got more beds to weed.  But…can you add it to your list soon?”

Mr:  “Yes, tomorrow I’ll get you some black dirt.”

Me:  “Thank you, you’re the best.”

Mr:  “Uh, huh.”


As our gardens turn, a new day arrives and the warm sun rises, bouncing delicately on the dew drops bubbling to the top of the irises.  They are free from debris and ready to grow.  I’m a happy gal, the Mr. is on his way back with some black dirt…time to get a little dirty with my honey-do-list hero – hope my knees survive!

Post Inspiration:  Cee’s Odd Ball Challenge






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