
D’oh you have no idea what you’re doing

Okay, so Dan, on Wednesday, over at plugged the idea in my head that I should try out the new editor Guttenberg in WordPress. Well, here we are with my first shaky attempt. I have no idea what I'm doing. But that kind of fits in with Linda G. Hill's Stream of Consciousness Saturday… Continue reading D’oh you have no idea what you’re doing


Where or where did my post go, I’ll never know…?

A silent Tuesday from me, because, every word I typed into my post for today disappeared...vanished, just like a ghost with the sunset. The sunset last night, by the way, was beautiful, but post disappeared...!  Poof - gone! Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. - John R.… Continue reading Where or where did my post go, I’ll never know…?


Experiencing technical difficulties

A blogger's worst nightmare is when their account doesn't work and any attempts to get support from the abyss of options via Bluehost,,, Jetpack, and wherever else comes up short. Suffice it to say, I wasted valuable writing time when I attempted to get assistance this morning. I'm feeling lost like a Robin… Continue reading Experiencing technical difficulties