
How I Tuned Into Childhood Memories of Soup Made Out of Weeds And A Colorful Discovery About Turkey Feathers

Ah, the dog days of summer are upon us as August gives us two full moons and Mother Nature blesses us with extreme temps. With a childlike attitude, I chose to forge ahead, deal with it, and play while I could in the ever-pressing reminder of the limited remaining dog days of Summer 2023. Here… Continue reading How I Tuned Into Childhood Memories of Soup Made Out of Weeds And A Colorful Discovery About Turkey Feathers


How I Yarns a Blog Post

If you've ever wondered how this blogger yarns her way to complete another stream of consciousness post, I'm here to confess that isn't as complicated as one would think it is. Nope. It's about looking for inspiration in words and photos and sometimes YouTube. I use pictures I take or capture from the internet to… Continue reading How I Yarns a Blog Post

Adventures · Inspiration

Don’t strain your brain that hard

It's a strain on my brain when writer's block happens.  But it happens to the best of writers.  It's normal.  Period. Why is it that we try to strain our brain so hard? Sometimes we should just sit back and watch life happen.  Instead of curling back into ourselves, we should let the curious parts… Continue reading Don’t strain your brain that hard