
In the January window view, what did I see or not see?

In the life we're living in 2022, it's a temptation to avoid looking in the review mirror to see what's the same, as well as what is different from the previous years. I don't want to be boring and repetitive, but that kind of stuff can happen if I'm not careful. Or if I'm not… Continue reading In the January window view, what did I see or not see?

Adventures · Inspiration

A mail-tale before I hightail it outta here

I don't often start out this way on my posts, but today...well, today is different.  Today the topic of SoCS (aka Stream of Consciousness Saturday) is strange to me.  Sorry, Linda, but it's true. I sure can tell Linda's a creative gal to come up with this hot topic for the day: “the last piece… Continue reading A mail-tale before I hightail it outta here