
Why a cat shouldn’t eat like a bird

Don't get me wrong, birds have rights, yes, they do. But, why is it they get a tower full of nectar, replenished readily, and I have to be the one to wait for hoomans to deliver food to my bowl? Birds have food at the ready, come rain, or come shine. Why? It just doesn't… Continue reading Why a cat shouldn’t eat like a bird

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31-Day Photography Challenge #31SRW – Day 1

As a learning-as-I-go photographer, I've been practicing a lot of years.  If you're like me, you've been practicing, too.  You're feeling more confident with your tools of the trade. When you pick up your camera it feels comfortable, like a well-fitting glove. But there are moments where the subjects you're taking pictures of all seem… Continue reading 31-Day Photography Challenge #31SRW – Day 1