
It’s that time of the year

The first time you say something, it's heard.  The second time, it's recognized, and the third time it's learned. - John C. Maxwell On the radio, Christmas songs are playing - so it's time. I checked the calendar, it says it's time. I'll be damned, 3 days early and the ads in the papers tell… Continue reading It’s that time of the year

Adventures · Inspiration

Oh, crap, admit it, it is hard to find time to read other blogs

If there was an unlimited time in my day to discover the wide-wide-wide-world of other blogs to read, ah...what a joy that would be! Maybe then I'd have time to sip on more than one cup of tea. Despite having the same 24 hours as everyone else has, my time slot is restricted by the… Continue reading Oh, crap, admit it, it is hard to find time to read other blogs