
My Summer of Hope Gardens 2023

Another foggy morning in August captured my attention when the golden glow of the sun's rays framed the driveway. Ooh...that means it's time to grab my camera and investigate the messy flower beds I call hope gardens for summer 2023. I long for the moment I can perfectly frame a photo of any yellow flower.… Continue reading My Summer of Hope Gardens 2023


Sweet pink memories of mom

Eleven years ago today, I was sitting by her side in the hospital, holding her hand, watching her resting comfortably. I had just met with the neurosurgeon who told me the causes behind her confusion.  I didn't know how to break the news to her, nor did I know if she would even remember. A… Continue reading Sweet pink memories of mom


Eye of the Tiger Lily

I love seeing this Tiger Lily bloom.  Every year, I wonder if it will come back or not.  When it does, I grab my camera and try to capture the beauty of the vivid yellow, crimson, red, and orange colors. It's a small plant and doesn't grow very tall each year.  But it's strong and… Continue reading Eye of the Tiger Lily