
Don’t Ya Know, Autumn Glows

Ah, September, it's the anchor between the heat of August and the chills of October. The sun rising at this time of year is beautiful with warm glows that glisten in the fog. The apricot glow of the sunlight in our entryway entices me to grab my camera and head outside. "The grass in the… Continue reading Don’t Ya Know, Autumn Glows

Adventures · Inspiration

Reflections on my learning as I go photography lessons

I'm a self-proclaimed 'learn as I go' photographer.  I often wonder if I have I grown in my skillsets through the years since I first picked up my hand-me-up camera from my daughter? Will I ever be good enough?  Good enough for what?  To capture a cat drinking from a water glass or a cat… Continue reading Reflections on my learning as I go photography lessons

Adventures · Inspiration

Just me, the girl behind the silhouette

Are you, like me, a silhouette kind of person? Would you rather skip partaking in the selfie-taking world - avoid putting yourself out there for the world to see?  Would you rather hide behind something or someone? Do you let others take the limelight...? Or do you wonder if you can shine even if you're not… Continue reading Just me, the girl behind the silhouette