
Ms. Snarken Hearkened The Scrolling Reporter In Me

In a battle with my snarky side, I affectionately named her, Ms. Snarken. She kept me company as I scrolled. And I scrolled. And I scrolled. And I scrolled. . . through my bazillion photos to find when in the past year I captured rainy days. I had to scroll through the archives because we… Continue reading Ms. Snarken Hearkened The Scrolling Reporter In Me


A day to just let it go

Do you ever have one of those days where you find the best approach to the day is to, "Just let it go?" That was my yesterday.  The WHOLE DAY.  A day of deep breaths and a "just let it go" attitude. It started crappy with a WordPress battle that was self-induced, sort-of, by my… Continue reading A day to just let it go

Emptying the nest

For the love of rain and naps

Whilst it was raining, I closed my eyes to listen to the rain hitting the window.  I love the sounds made by rain hitting surfaces. As a child growing up in a trailer home for shelter, I enjoyed listening to the rain hit our windows and roof.  The steady ting, ting, ting sound on the… Continue reading For the love of rain and naps