Adventures · Going Gray

1920’s comics – Why Mothers Get Gray

There are many days, in my present life, where I wish mom was still here so I could ask her why grandma saved the strangest things? My grandma was a scrapbook fiend way back in the 1920's.  She was born in 1907 and saved newspaper clippings from the 1920's on.  At least those are the… Continue reading 1920’s comics – Why Mothers Get Gray

Adventures · Going Gray

How accountability partners help you succeed in going gray

How do you find the courage to stay on target to complete a tough project?  How do you stay present 100% of the way to your finish line? What if you're doing something that you aren't sure you really want to do, or you aren't sure if others will approve of the project you are about to embark on? What do… Continue reading How accountability partners help you succeed in going gray