
A naughty cat’s vista

When the hoomans are busy doing whatever it is that they do besides feed me, I find my way to inspect their feeding spot and to make it my own little vista.'s a lovely view, really it is. It's a perfect spot to watch the tiny birds flying around and eating.  Man, oh, man,… Continue reading A naughty cat’s vista

Inspiration · Welcome

How to ensure your blogging efforts are playful

Here we are at my 660th post.  Yay, me.  Yay, you, too -  my faithful readers.  Thank you for sticking around in my little corner of the blogosphere to watch and read. I'm having fun, yes I am.  And since you hopped by too - welcome!  You've joined the party I've got going on -… Continue reading How to ensure your blogging efforts are playful


Let’s party like the Orioles do!

Skittishly perched on branches in disguise, it's only his songful presence you become aware he is there. Precariously adventurous, ready and willing to flip around the party to get the best bite. Fittingly flitting from spot to spot to share the space. Predominantly handsome, with a belly as bright as his target. Playfully pausing as… Continue reading Let’s party like the Orioles do!

Emptying the nest · Going Gray

Embracing the reality of imperfections

This is my year of embracing or modifying imperfections in my life.  Yeah, it's part of my MAD MAD MOM month, too, but seriously, if at 54 years of age I can't get past my imperfections, I'd be doomed. Doomed.  Doomed.  Doomed. Doomed like my unicorn horn and my barnacle are - gone forever, leaving… Continue reading Embracing the reality of imperfections

Adventures · Inspiration · Welcome

Magical Monday Moments

Ah, yes, it's the beginning of a work week and I've got nothing fancy planned for the day.  It's back to work I go. But first...I need to feed my creative soul for just a few minutes. Never fear, dear, before I go off to work, I do pause to play.  In fact, I have… Continue reading Magical Monday Moments

Adventures · Inspiration

Don’t strain your brain that hard

It's a strain on my brain when writer's block happens.  But it happens to the best of writers.  It's normal.  Period. Why is it that we try to strain our brain so hard? Sometimes we should just sit back and watch life happen.  Instead of curling back into ourselves, we should let the curious parts… Continue reading Don’t strain your brain that hard