Adventures · Inspiration

The balancing act of a personal blogger

Delicate ideas that blossom for a blog post come out of nowhere. Magically appearing, right? As if you were just standing there, waiting for the idea to pop into your head.  So you could balance it with just the right words.  And paint a beautiful watercolor-like image for your readers and for yourself.  Ah, to… Continue reading The balancing act of a personal blogger

Adventures · Inspiration

How to be okay with crappy first drafts

When you sit down to write, do the words just fly onto the page?  Where do you find your inspiration to write every day?  Who wins the battle, the page, or your walk-away until tomorrow stage? Or do you persevere and take the simplest act in routines of your day, pause to notice the extraordinary, and… Continue reading How to be okay with crappy first drafts


Be the compass

We've all been forced to sit down, write something, and turn it in.  That's what school taught us to do, right?  Assignment after assignment after assignment.  We learned we have to get sh*t done we didn't want to do in the first place. When I saw the prompt 'compass' I flashed back to history class,… Continue reading Be the compass