Adventures · Inspiration

Just do it, renew the domain name

I remember the day I was brave enough to start this blog.  I was so damn excited, I couldn't contain myself. And, then I remembered back to the days I started my other two blogs.  The first one still gets read, at random moments.  And the 2nd one, well, it is this one, just a… Continue reading Just do it, renew the domain name

Adventures · Inspiration

Personal Blogging – The Ups and Downs

As a personal blogger, it feels like every day I'm swooping in and out of feeling the highs and lows of a being a writer.  It can feel awesome the days when I connect with others, receive comments and likes, and then there are the other days.  The days I feel incredible loss when I… Continue reading Personal Blogging – The Ups and Downs

Going Gray

Why women should wear glasses in the shower

If I hadn't already claimed that I'm quirky, you might just freak out on me while reading this post...and then un-follow me or not follow me if it's your first visit here.  But then you'd miss out on other quirky things I say, and that would be sad... For both of us. So don't do… Continue reading Why women should wear glasses in the shower

Emptying the nest · Inspiration

Coming to terms with my clutter room

When I look at this room, I reflect and think, "My Q-Quarters are where good shit is going to happen...someday...!" One woman's clutter is another woman's mess. Or as my daughter and I call it... "It's not cluttered or messy it is the bones of some good shit." I think I need to make a… Continue reading Coming to terms with my clutter room