Emptying the nest

Empty Nest Reflections on Mother’s Day

It's quiet here this morning in our Lil' ol' empty nest.  I'm an empty nest Mom, on Mother's Day.  There, I said it. It's the first Mother's Day where I won't see either daughter.  We have no forced plans to see them.  Or a vacation to share.  I can't believe we haven't hugged since we… Continue reading Empty Nest Reflections on Mother’s Day

Adventures · Emptying the nest

An empty nest time traveler

I'm an empty nest time traveler.  Yessiree, I am.  I can flash through memories in a heartbeat, and be transported back to moments in time that tug damn hard on my heartstrings. Other times, it isn't such a conscious effort.  Often times it happens while I'm trying to sleep. I can go from one space… Continue reading An empty nest time traveler


Finding joy in tender memories

When you're in the midst of health struggles, or battles of life thrown your way to fight off - it's easy to be so absorbed in tasks at hand that you miss little things that helped you create happy memories. Those little things are easier to notice in retrospect.  Looking back makes it possible to… Continue reading Finding joy in tender memories