Emptying the nest

Roll-Off Thoughts About the Week We’re Never Going to Do Again

As Mr. and I ate dinner last night, we reflected on the week that was. I don't know about him, but, I had bones to pick and bones to toss. Mr: I think we're going to need a bowl for the bones. As I looked at the plate he presented me with, I was positive,… Continue reading Roll-Off Thoughts About the Week We’re Never Going to Do Again

Going Gray

Our Blindsided Fight to Remember

Mr. and I jumped into the fighting ring this past week. Don't ya worry, we're both on the winning side now. That's happy news for us, at least. How did we get into the fighting ring? We've yet to figure it out. It's a mystery. We didn't ask for the fight - we didn't even… Continue reading Our Blindsided Fight to Remember


A Personal Blogger Bursting With Thoughts

The irony of being a personal blogger is it's a shame to have enough to say to make a post-worthy post while having too many photos to share so that you can't condense a post into a reasonable size. So what do I do? 9 Boxes of clothing were donated this week! I iron out… Continue reading A Personal Blogger Bursting With Thoughts


The Yellow Budded Crime Scene

As far as I can tell, it was a near-death experience for some of my flowers. Here I thought it was going to be the first frost that'd do them in. But, nope. Instead, it was a villain much worse than Jack Frost. Some flowers have survived, while others didn't. First, I noticed the criminals… Continue reading The Yellow Budded Crime Scene


Things do degrade right before our eyes

Seriously...I thought I had everything covered and look what happened?  I tried to comment back to a few followers on a post I wrote yesterday, and my login didn't work.  I (aka, my blog) become non-existent again. I did the same stupid thing last year. Sigh. I got this message.  And I had to contact… Continue reading Things do degrade right before our eyes

Emptying the nest

Listening to my ordinary heart

As I walked out the door this morning, to take Copper outside, I noticed the tiny sliver of the moon in the sky. I ran back into the house, grabbed my camera and ran back outside to catch the shot.  The SD card wasn't in it, so I had to run back in and grab… Continue reading Listening to my ordinary heart