Adventures · Inspiration

My yellow belt philosophy on life

From the time I was little, I've adored the color yellow.  That and the sky blue crayon in the Crayola box are my favs.  It's no wonder I have walls in my house painted both colors.  While the blue calms me, the yellow evokes happiness in me. I'm drawn to it.  I can't help but… Continue reading My yellow belt philosophy on life


Oh, Christmas shopping bills, Oh, Christmas shopping bills…

Oh, Christmas shopping bills, Oh, Christmas shopping bills, no matter where I hide thee, you somehow find me... Oh, Christmas shopping bills, Oh, Christmas shopping bills, how despised are thee... No matter how many days I waited to pay my Christmas shopping bills, they somehow didn't magically disappear and get paid on their own.  Maybe… Continue reading Oh, Christmas shopping bills, Oh, Christmas shopping bills…

Adventures · Inspiration

An elf guided lesson on photographing Christmas lights

The sound of plastic and paper rustling in the other room broke the silence of my blog writing today. Grr...feeling all Grinch-like I grabbed my camera and dashed to the other room before the culprit disappeared. Those damn cats better not be in the tree... I threw on all the lights and what should appear...… Continue reading An elf guided lesson on photographing Christmas lights

Adventures · Inspiration

A tale of a busy tiny lichen elf

Ah, yes, it's that time of year.  Time for snow toys and lichen elves to appear.  All it takes is the magic of the first wet snow to bring out the creative process. Snow covered the ground enough for Mr. to blow the driveway for the first time this season. He always looks like a happy… Continue reading A tale of a busy tiny lichen elf

Adventures · Cheers

A pup’s wild spring adventure

It's hard to contain the excitement I feel with the arrival of spring.  I can once again wander outside in the yard, all wild and free-like.  I love to observe the revival of the yard as the winds of spring and clouds in the sky tide to and fro. You can observe a lot by watching.… Continue reading A pup’s wild spring adventure