Adventures · Inspiration

A tale of a busy tiny lichen elf

Ah, yes, it's that time of year.  Time for snow toys and lichen elves to appear.  All it takes is the magic of the first wet snow to bring out the creative process. Snow covered the ground enough for Mr. to blow the driveway for the first time this season. He always looks like a happy… Continue reading A tale of a busy tiny lichen elf

Adventures · Cheers

Leaf me some salmon – a fasting day story

On our fasting days, things happen around here.  We get creative with our meals and beverages.  And together we embrace hungry moments, not hangry ones either, just hungry.  We enjoy the clarity of thought we experience as we focus on not being hungry. I thought that fasting would make me distractible, unable to concentrate.  What… Continue reading Leaf me some salmon – a fasting day story

Adventures · Inspiration

How to embrace your oddness on Monday

My brain is fleeting with so many thoughts now that I slept well for two nights in a row, I can't stop my imagination from exploding with unorganized ideas. The only drawback in getting a new mattress is now I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. If you're going to do… Continue reading How to embrace your oddness on Monday