Adventures · Inspiration

Celebrating the elements of nature

In Wisconsin, if it doesn't rain on Memorial Day, we're lucky.  Today, it is supposed to rain.  In fact, as I write this post, it is raining.  A nice, calm, steady rain.  The birds are singing.  It's peaceful.  No worries, the last two days have been sunny and warm, so we're good. We cooked out… Continue reading Celebrating the elements of nature

Adventures · Inspiration

A burning desire to overcome fears about blogging

The sparks of desire burn in all blogger's heads and hearts.  When we start out, we have thoughts piled up in our heads, every word delicately stacked just ready to burst into the one (or every) blog post that will go viral.  And then it smolders... Before it takes off, we realize we have to… Continue reading A burning desire to overcome fears about blogging

Adventures · Inspiration

Ah…to be a kid again!

Fireworks and the Fourth of July go hand in hand with kids of all ages.  If only we could be kids forever, right? We'd pose to see our reflections in the pond.  Wondering if there really are monsters or tadpoles at the bottom? We'd anticipate getting our brand new clothes wet.  It's fun to be… Continue reading Ah…to be a kid again!